Central Connecticut State University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Central Connecticut State University!


This school has a good computer science program. The school is close to many forms of entertainment including movie theaters, malls, and plenty of stores.




CCSU is a medium sized school that is extremely diverse. It offers numerous amounts of extracurricular activities. There a clubs for all ethnicities. They host a number of trips for CCSU students and staff members. The university is small enough that everyone basically knows everyone else. The professors show that they truly care about their student and even offer students help in finding jobs. I truly enjoy attending this university and I am going to be quite sad when I graduate.


The sense of community created by the residence halls on campus that I experienced my first year here was unlike anything that I saw at my first school, or at any other school that I visited.


There are a lot more commuters... therefore, more people are independent on their studies before they make friends.


Much more than a state school.


I have to say the most unique physical attribute to this school is the "Bubble". Its the sports dome tht consist of basketball; Volleyball and other physical activities. Overall though, the friendly environment... It just seemed like everyone could get along with anyone...


Nothing makes this school unique compared to other schools I considered. It is a school that has come a long way but there is still a lot of work to be done.


My school is not too big or too small. It is just perfect, in between. Over the course of one year, I met many international people, there is even an international relations club. Everyone is involved and there is much school spirit. No one is judged here and every type of person is included in everything.