Central Connecticut State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Central Connecticut State University?


picking classes


Not a lot of hands on work. Also a lot of class to take to get a degree.


Academically I this school is incredible, and in terms of activities it is as well, but only Mon-Fri with the occasional weekend activity. But primarily the lack of entertainment on the weekends is frustrating.


Bad weather, too many people from home town (in-state)


there isnt enough parking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and some of the staff is stupid


Where do i begin? They give you the run around for everything. There is never anyone to help you no matter what the problem is.


lack of integration. The mentality of students makes college seem like high school all over again. ALso lack of teachers and the availibility of classes. THe size of classrooms are too small for the capacity of students in them. THere is also insufficient dorms for the student body.