Central Methodist University-College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Top Questions

What should every freshman at Central Methodist University-College of Liberal Arts and Sciences know before they start?


Make sure you explore all your options and all the different schools your interested in. Find the school that fits you.


To students: If you find yourself at a school and you are just not happy, don't be afraid to change schools or even majors. There is nothing more dissatisfying than waking up everyday and dreading going to class because you know that can never make a better grade than a D. Secondly, get involved. I know it's over used, but it really does make a difference in the friends and connections you make. Who knows, maybe your involvement in some random club or organization will land you an awesome job someday. To parents: If your child says he or she wants to change schools, first of all talk to them why they are saying this. Second of all, let them. The best things my parents did for me was to let me change my major and change schools. I've never been happier since I switched. But I don't think I would be as happy without the love and support of my parents. Just telling your child that you will support them in their endeavors may just give them that boost of confidence to succeed in todays hectic world!!


Know what you ae looking for, and make sure you can afford it.


My advice would be to get to know the professors and faculty. Also, try to make friends with upper classmates and not to be afraid to get involved with activities that the school offers.


Make sure that the college you're attending is your choice, no one elses. Make sure it's right for you.


College can be one of the best--or worst-- experience of a person's life. To have the best experience, the student ultimately needs to decide the best college for him or her. The parents can guide them in the right direction in terms of high credentials, curriculum, and price, but it should be left to the student to make the final decision. When trying to pick the right college, the student should visit the college. Colleges look great in the brochures, yet that does not mean they will be right for the student. During a visit, the student should tour the campus, talk to the professors/coaches, and talk to the college students. The student will then be able to determine which place feels right. College is what the student makes of it, and the best way to maximize the experience is to determine his or her priorities. College is like high school without parent supervision--the responsibility is the student's. If the student remembers that he or she is there to get an education, then the academics will not be hard. Otherwise, college is just a really expensive party and a waste of time.


Make sure you know what size of school you want! Have an idea of what you plan to study, and try to get into some form of an extra curricular activity such a band or football.


To sum it all up in a few words. Get to know the professors and staff at this University. Also, attend class and participate. The more you participate in a class the more you will learn and the better chances you have of getting to know one another as well as your true self. Do not hide your personality from the other students be open to yourself and to other students and to the staff and you will make friends for life. Participate in as much activities as possible such as attending plays, sporting events and just overall have fun. Also, be involved with the community around the school. The town is very historic as well as the campus. The entire Central Methodist University is on the National Historic Regristry except for one building. Open your mind to learning new things not only about the school and meeting new students, but yourself as well. Central Methodist University opened my mind to new things and I discovered that if I try hard enough I will succeed. So, if you try hard enough you will not only succeed academically but in life as well.


make sure that the college that you choose is well diverse. Also that the teachers are responsive to any problems that you may have. As well that campus life is to there fitting and comfort level