Central Michigan University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Central Michigan University?


I brag about our football team, because we are the best in Michigan! I also brag about scholarships and social activities.


What I brag about most is the music program my university provides. Central Michigan offers one of the finest music facilities in Michigan, with a bright interior, windows and pianos for each practice room, and a building shaped like a piano! The professors are consistently excited about music performance, history, musicology, and furthering research in their fields, and each commit himself (or herself) entirely to the students. Additionally, I am privileged to play saxophone in one of the most supportive studios in the country; these fellow students have contributed to my success more than I could ever have imagined.


the thing that I brag to my friends about when talling about this school would be, the educational oppurtunities that this school offers. Central Michigan is a small Division 1 school, but wack it lack sin population it makes up in size for the committed students that want to suceed in their careers. This is school is well known for many things such as Football program, Basketball program, Track and field, physical therapy training, and many more things.


CMU has an utterly fantastic teacher-education program, and a lovely new environmentally-friendly building to go with it. It's large, fairly state-of-the-art, and easy to navigate. A solid program, and great facilities. ...our football team is pretty awesome, too.


I usually brag about how good our food. The food is not only really good in the cafeterias, it is also good in the different stores and cafes around campus. I have been to many different capuses, but none of them can compare to CMU's.


There are no community bathrooms! On a more serious note, the best thing about Central Michigan University is the overwhelming amout of activities and events to take part in on campus. There is always some athletic event to attend, a play to see, or a club to join. However, the thing that makes this all possible is the student body. Students are always coming up with new activities and love to be involved. It all helps to create a community feeling, so that you will never feel alone on campus.


I tend to brag about the variety of the classes you may take here, whether it be art, astrology, biology or Ojibway (Native American Language). Also, the class sizes and variety of guest speakers Central Michigan has on campus are very diverse.


School spirit


Football, campus size, doorm room.


That we have alot of great facilities that we can get into free with our student ID.