Central Michigan University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Central Michigan University?


"party school". slutty girls. womanizing men. lazy students. middle of nowhere. cornfield school. alcoholics. thursday night parties. friday night parties. saturday night parties. sunday night parties.


It's a big party school and since it's kind of a boring town all people do is drink.


All they do is party


Party school and attractive girls


We are not smart enough to get into Michigan State or University of Michigan. We are also known as a big drinking school.


CMU is largely viewed as a party school and its students are seen as inferior to larger surrounding schools, such as Michigan State and University of Michigan.


CMU used to be known as a party school but I believe we are getting away from that. It is known as a good school for teachers but is thought of as somewhat mediocre by a lot of people, like a fall back plan if they are unable to get into other schools.


We are all Education Majors We are all Liberal We were too dumb to get into Michigan or Michigan State We like to gamble


Party School


that it's a party school and anyone can get in.