Central Michigan University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Central Michigan University?

Is Central Michigan University a good school?

What is Central Michigan University known for?


Central is the perfect size, theres not too many people, nor is there too little. I spend most of my time at my fraternity house. Mt. Pleasant can be boring at times, but for the most part there is usually something to do. There is definitely a ton of school pride.


I think CMU is the perfect size. When I tell people I go to CMU some people say they heard a lot of good things about it and others compare us to UofM or MSU and say we are not smart or we are just a party school.


I love that the campus is big enough to be a campus but small enough so everything is in walking distance. When I tell people I go to Central they ask how much I party. There is a lot of school pride when it comes to football games especially against our rivals Western. I love Greek life so the one thing I will always remember is becoming a part of the Delta Zeta sorority.


The best thing about Central is the leadership minor and program they have. They're very centered on how leadership can go a long way. The size is perfect for me, not too big, and not too small. I spend most of my time at my sorority house and on campus, like at the library. The most recent controversy is when they found a noose in a science lab classroom, and the Dennis Lennox situation.


The best thing about central is the crowd i would change the cost increases every year the school size is just right they think im to smart to go there at my sorority house i think the administration is disatteched from the university students biggest recent controversy was the nooses hanging there is not alot of school pride


Central Michigan is just right, it isnt too big or too small. Every where you go you will most likely see someone that you know. Everyone is extremely friendly and helpful.


My school is just right---not too big, not too small. The campus is intimate, yet there are alot of people who go here.


I love Central's small campus, however sometime I find it too small. I wish we had another food court on campus instead of just the down under. Also, the Sac becomes really crowded sometimes it would be nice to have another gym for maybe upper classman


The best thing about Central Michigan is that it is such a small campus that you really get to know a lot of people. Also the class sizes are small so that makes it nice because you really get a one on one with the professors. I spend most of my time on campus in the library or in my room doing homework or relaxing. Central has an amazing sense of school pride! We really love to support our athletic teams and we just love going here to Central.


I love CMU. It's a perfect place for me, I fit and and have found so many great friends. The campus is not to big and not to small, you always are able to meet new people, yet some how always manage to run into someone that you know. There is a lot of school pride, and students take care of our campus and it is very pretty any time of the year. My favorite experience at CMU was move in day my freshman year, I will always remember it and all the first impressions that I had, I would have never imagined myself where I am now.