Central Michigan University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Central Michigan University?


Someone who wants to only focus on school work.


If you are looking for a larger school, you may not enjoy the smaller scale CMU is on.


This school is for everyone! It has a small enough campus to be able to walk across it in 20 minutes, and the students are friendly. The classes are appropriate for the subject and level, and the professors are very knowledgeable. Fire up, Chips!


This university is appropriate for everyone.


A person should not attend this school if they don't want to be involved. Whether it be social or academic the involvement on this campus is apparent. Everyone is extremely spirited about going here and although there is some discrimination it's an overall friendly atmosphere. Students who shouldn't attend would be anyone who's prejudiced agains a native American tribe as the Chippewa culture is intertwined with that of the university.


Someone who doesn't like to succeed in life.


Pretty much acceptable of all kinds of people.


People who do not have an interest in attending this university, otherwise any kind and all kind of people should attend!


I don't think anyone that is passionate about school or their future should attend college.


If you cannot handle a party scene, or if you are not interested in progrgams like education, psychology, business, nursing, public relations, or recreation, then Central is not the school for you. If you like to be by yourself most of the time, and don't like to hang out with friends or get involved, then Central is not the school for you. There are many things to do on campus, and not much time is spent sitting in your room.