Central Ohio Technical College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Central Ohio Technical College know before they start?


As a high school senior, I was undr the assumption college was not neccessary for me. I was working as a restaurant supervisor and thought i had it easy, the money was good and I worked all the time. If I could go back in time, I would have told myself that going to college will open up my career choices and let me make an informed decision about what exactly my career goals are. I would have said to myself that once you open the doors to the future it is your choice where you go and what you do; the possibilities are endless and not going to school will limit you in your life. The last thing I would have said is, keep an open mind and try new things, don't be afraid to explore all the alternatives that exist for you and have fun!


If I could talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would tell myself that college is nothing like high school. I would tell my self to get a life, get off the drugs and make something of yourself while you are still young. I would tell myself to not be afraid, people are nice and willing to help you. I would tell myself that I am smart and can do this.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would tell myself not to rush into it. High School will have given you so many memories that are irreplacable and nothing will ever compare. College is not as huge of deal as people keep making i to be. Its a lot like going to high school except with more freedoms as well as more responsibilities. I know you tend to stress yourself out over the smallest things because you think they will effect yor life in some super crazy way, but stress in college will just continue to pile on between trying to find jobs in this recession to trying to pay for college and getting your papers turned in on time. Its so hectic! But you will manage. You are a very self-sufficient young woman and you have so many people backing you up and believing in you. Go get 'em!


I would just tell myself to study hard don't take things to lightly but still stay positive and have fun, I mean what else is more important than that, oh and also don't ever give up and don't be afraid to ask questions, because somebody will always be willing to help and have answers!


The level of maturity and discipline that it takes to be successful in your college career can make or break you. You need to have the discipline to go to class everyday and communicate with your professors about any needs or concerns you may have. Utilize all of the resources that your college offers! There will be noone but yourself to make sure you are doing your required assignments, studying at least 1 hr. a day for each class that you are taking, and the most important task-go to class everyday! College can be a very rewarding and enjoyable experience. Knowing the difference of when to go out and enjoy a social life and when you need to stay in and study is key to a successful career in college and beyond!


I would have spent more time with my friends because college life doesn't allow for much free time. I feel that I am constantly studying and furthering my knowledge that weeks go by without spending time with my friends.


I was never a senior in high school and dropped out as a junior. I am kicking myself daily for being a fool. I now want to unleash my artistic talents and develope skills needed to help me be a graphic designer.


If I could go back in time I would of study scholarships more and worried about how to pay for school. I just always thought there would be a way to go to school. Well now I know thats now true because I'm trying to go back and get a great career field and Im hitting wall with money. I dont have a job right now being full time and studing. I just wish I would of been more prepared.


Start in high school by taking general education classes.


The advise I would give myself is do not procrastinate, always show up to every single class, do every homework, and study for every quiz, test, and exam. If you show up to every class and ask questions everytime you do not understand something, then you are more likely to pass the course. Before you start college, try to figure out what kind of learner you are and let your teacher know, because most teachers are willing to try to help out and help you make it through their course. That is what they are there for, to help you. Your teachers are there for you and the college life, is completely different from high school. First, you pay for your own college and books, so you should always try your best. Second, what you learn in a whole year of high school, you will learn in eleven (11) weeks in college. It will be much harder. But keep your head held high and always do your best!