When I was in high school, I thought planning for college and my future would be so easy. I thought it was just knowing what college I wanted to go to, what I wanted to major in, and what career I saw myself in. I was completely wrong. I didn't think of the finance, the courses i would have to take, how many credits I want to start with, the tuition, where I would stay and so much more. I should have done deep research about college. Preparing for college academically, for example high school GPA, wasn't so hard but it didn't mean i was prepared completely. The most important thing i had to do was to prepare ahead of time which is something i still need to do. An advice I would give myself is do deep research and prepare. If I was still a high school senior, I would ask college students about college life concerning academics, resident, social, mentally, and emotionally. I would searchdifferent scholarships that will help with my tuition, learn more about financial aid, and much more. I just have to be prepared.
Since you will be starting at Chaminade's nursing program next fall I have some advice for you. First, if you take the bus in the morning, remember a blanket. It gets cold and you will thank me for the sleep you can catch up on. Second, remember your academic planner and find an accountability partner. Calendars are nice physical reminders of due dates and accountability will help keep your goals out in the open. Finally, save up your money accordingly and look for as many scholarship opportunities you can. I know finishing this last high school semester was hard and your brother finally out of the psychiatric hospital took a toll on your drive. But, you are strong, dedicated, and have proven you are ready for college. Do not take my word on it, listen to your mom because she is normally right (okay more than normally). College is still like high school in that they both are for hopes of a better education. In a couple weeks or so, maybe even less, you will feel at ease.
Sincerely with much blessings,
Wisdom from an undergraduate.
Knowing what I know now about college I would tell my high school self to not worry about what the future holds and to explore. Explore whatever interests you, take courses that spark your curiosity, and learn more about yourself. I entered college with a set plan of studying business and getting my degree in business. My first year of college I took business courses without even really thinking out what I wanted to do with that degree and I only chose that path for the sole reason because I wanted to graduate with something within four years and get a job as soon as I could. I slowly realized after taking a bunch of business courses that I was unhappy and I wanted to seek something else. So my second year I did just that, I explored with art courses that led me to interior design. I believe that taking that time to enroll in different courses and learning about what I liked and didn’t like helped me to learn more about myself and what majors interested me.
Going to a large college without visiting it can be difficult. Make the effort to visit so you can see what all is involved with the amounts of people, etc. Make some visits to smaller colleges, too. But what matters most can be the friends you make. You may feel overwhelmed by the number of people at school, but you are not the only one who feels that way, and what is going to make all the difference once you get used to it, are your friends. These are life long relationships, and they want to support you, so don't be afraid to open up. As far as feeling alone with difficulty in engineering, again, you are not the only one. Talk to your friends about it. Try talking to a career counselor about what you like to DO, what classes do you take because you enjoy, not what you're good at in school or what you think you should do because you feel like you have to find the hardest thing.
Being a college student has been both tremendous and challenging. Tremendous in having the oportunity to expand my academic horizons and work hard to achieve my dreams. It has been challenging in always trying to make sure I had enough funding available and falling back when my family encountered challenging times. I was a successful student in high school; so successful that I felt invincible to every challenge that came my way. Little did I know that one day, I'd face the rare challenge of seeing my family fall apart and at the time, try to keep myself together. If I could go back to being my high school self, I'd say, "Don't forget why you're leaving your family. Everything you do from here on out is for them. Despite the hardships that will come your way, don't ever let it take your eyes off the goal of completing college. Don't forget that your every accomplishment is a step closer to a beautiful home, being able to help mom pay for the electricity on time, and health insurance for dad." With scholarship opportunities, determination, and faith, I'm back and ready to succeed.
If I were to go back to myself as a high school senior, the best advice that I could give myself is to be determined. I believe determination would help a student strive for the best in producing quality work. In addition, being determined benefit students in times of stress or when school-work can be quite overwhelming, it serves a motivation for a student to work harder.
Hello 18 year old Jenny, I’m Jenny from the future. I would like to let you know that your life is about to change and be ready for the ride of your life. I know you might be tempted to go to the beach every day since you are leaving boring old Massachusetts and heading to beautiful Hawaii, but STAY FOCUSED. Most importantly balance your time and get a job. The money situation will be tight but hold on because if you work hard and higher your GPA, you can get the school scholarship (which you’ll end up getting by the way). It might seem hard at first to be balanced but it is possible and worth it. Another good bit of advice is sign up for as much scholarships as you possibly can because you don’t want to be struggling. Please take my advice because if I knew this now I would be in a much better position financially. Be responsible and have the time of your life! ***BINGS BACK TO THE FUTURE**** ( where I hopfully win this scholarship ) :D
I started my college career right after high school and by the end of my first semester I discovered I was not ready for college and enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. I have called the Marine Corps my home for the past twelve years and I have no regrets for leaving school early to join. However, if I had the opportunity to go back and talk to myself, I would certainly express the importance of setting goals to focus on during college and showing the discipline to finish the course work to obtain a degree. Express to myself how fulfilling and satisfying if was to obtain my Associate’s and Bachelor’s degrees. More importantly I would have at least forced myself to complete an Associate’s degree before entering the military. Thus making the attainment of a Bachelor's degree that much easiler and I would have been able to do it in a shorter time period.
You can never do too many scholarships!!! Those nights that I wanted to just hang with my friends or be lazy at home doing nothing, that time should have been for applying for more scholarships. Unless you are born with a silver spoon, college is pretty expensive for most people. You are going to need as much financial help as possible during the minimal four years of college. Especially for the students that plan on going to school out of state. Tuition is extremely high for non residents, and that doesnt even include if you are going to city with a higher cost of living or not. Nevertheless, do not limit yourself to attending schools that are close to home or with "friends." 99.9{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the time you will lose touch with those high school "friends" anyway. But choosing to go far from home for school not only intoduces you to a new world of opportunities, cultures, and life; but it ultimately expands your horizons for a more exciting,worthwhile future.
Talitha, please attend college directly after High School! The reason that I urge you to do this is because with higher education comes freedom. The freedom to go any where and still have the ability to get not just a job, but a great job! It allows for financial freedom! It allows for freedom in everyway! Attending right out of High School allows for an easier transition as you will go from attending school to attending college. It also saves time! It saves the many wasted years of trying to succeed but never really getting any where. The transition is easiest if done immediately.
The advice I would give to myself is to study more for the SAT's and to next time complete all my assignments. If I had been able to do that, I could've had more options on what colleges I can attend.
College life is hard, it is a competetion for success and to do well you must be prepared, focus, and always on the hunt to pursue a better career path. It will not be the same as highschool days, relaxing and having fun must be left at the door of college life succes if you want to make it through college. Success in college is all dependent on your capabilities and what you want to achieve when you leave college.
Hey! So, in a couple of years, you'll come to the decision to drop out of school and date a horrible girl. After that, you'll move to Seattle and live with your brother. During this time, you'll work in a warehouse with lesbian women who want to make you in charge of a beading store. You'll say no. You get bored with this and drive for thousands of miles to reach the Grand Canyon. Upon reaching it, you find that there are some officials who charge you money to get in. You opt to go to the lesser canyon, and are still impressed because you haven't seen the real one. You move to a new city and begin to date the horrible girl again, but during this horrible dating time, you are also going back to college. Eventually you finish, recieve an AA, meet some good people, and somehow manage to get an outstanding student of the year award for your service to the student body. You now live in Hawaii, swim in the blue ocean when you aren't studying, and have an outstanding tan. So here's some advice: keep it up!
After graduating from high school in 2009, I decided to attend a two year community college. I started out majoring with a Liberal Arts Science degree with plans to attend a 4 year college to earn a degree in Meteorology. Since attending Erie Community College I have changed my major to an Environmental Technology Geoscience 2 year degree with a certificate in Geographic Information Systems(GIS). I hoping that this 2 year degree will lead to a full-time job and then I can continue to earn a 4 yr degree. I wasn't sure that I would like to go to a community college but I like the college and living at home. I think that if I lived at college I wouldn't have the privacy and quiet time that I need to study and focus on my courses. My experience of college so far is that I made the right choice and at the moment I am happy with my major. It has been very valuable to attend a 2 year community college because I know when I graduate I will have a better chance of finding a job in a field that I will like.
Most high school seniors have one or both of two problems: a false sense of invincibility or an unrealistic fear of everything; I had a combination of both oddly enough. The funny thing about these problems is that just about everyone experiences one or the other or both to some degree, and nearly all of these people partially recover from both complexes (in what I have seen) in just the first semester of college. Of course, college is excellent for the purpose of getting an education, making friends and trying new things, but above all else, going to college is a way of saying to many struggling new adults "you're not actually invincible, but you're smart. You can do it." The entire experience has been a rush of encouragement balanced with humility, idealism with reality, and an even mixture of failures and successes to remind me that I can amount to something, but not everything. It embarasses me to admit how long it took me, but I've finally realized that it's not about comparing myself to everyone else anymore. I can take pride in who I am, who I'm becoming, and what I can do.
Out of my college experience, I have learned a lot about myself, the things I value, and what I plan to do with my life that will benefit not just myself, but others as well. From living on my own, to making my class schedules, to putting numerous hours into being at the library, I've learned that time management and self-discipline are vital characteristics one should have in their life. I have to be able to manage my time accordingly to when things are due, and make sure I can motivate and dedicate myself to follow through with things I have already committed to. These aspects of responsibility will help further in life when I choose to do whatever it is I desire. As for the value of attending college, I believe in this day and age a college degree puts you one step ahead of others in this very competitive workforce. Also, I feel more prosperous or well-off about dealing with events that lie ahead in life, and this is another thing I can pass on to my children, so they can grow up and be motivated to succeed with the value of a college education.
Thus far, out of my college experience, I have gained a better understanding of different cultures and an unforgettable opportunity to meet people from all across the globe. It has been the most valuable to attend Chaminade because it led the way into the newest chapter and adventure of my life. If I had not attended Chaminade, or any other college for that matter, I would have not have had the rare chance to meet all the wonderful people I met nor would I have gotten to participate in, learn and grow from all the experiences and opportunities I was blessed with. Chaminade changed my life because it exceeded all expectations I had of the kind of college I wanted to attend.
With the completion of my first year in college, I have experienced several different things that ultimately changes the way I see college. So far, in my college experience, I have experienced the concept of community, opportunity, ambitiousness, initiative, and family. In Chaminade, there are countless communities to choose from, whether it be from the drama department to campus ministry, there are communities for every lifestyle available. Taking the initiative to join a community and making yourself known is one of the few important steps in making the best of college life. Making connections and relationships is essential in every college life. Being in college is an extrodinary experience and privilege, one must take full advantage of it. Being in college is like being in a virtual realm of the real world. In college, you get to make mistakes, create new relationships in a safe and secure enviroment. This is a place where you can define yourself and prepare how you would take on the world. Being ambitious, taking initiative, making connections, and keeping connected with family is very important. College is valuable because it gives you and teaches you everything that you need and want to know.
From my education at a two-year community college, I've not only learned about the world I live in, but have also learned how to make it a better place. I've learned about myself and the things I want in my life, and learned about those around me and the things they need in the lifes they live. I've learned how to be responsible and self-reliant, so I can then serve others who are in need. I've learned of the aspirations and successes of cultures and societies that have made them great, as well as the mistakes and struggles they encounter. From the education I received, I feel more confident in my ability to problem solve, communicate with others, maintain, oraganize, and create. Every class and course helped me understand others better, whether it was a direct lesson from a psychology, history, or communications course, or more indirectly through other studies such as science, health, and finance. Everyone's life is unique, but we all go through similar experiences. Studying every aspect of the world around us only helps us grow closer to those with whom we share it.
My liberal arts degree & LPN degree will open a door for me to get into the RN program at Boise State University. I know that if I were to go out to the job market I would be in a higher pay range then if I had not gone to college. I am looking forward to finishing my bachelors degree. I do adult foster care for the disabled and these degrees that I have now will expand my career choice to be able to help more people, but I prefer to get my BSN in nursing so that I can help even more people. I am very thankful that I have had the chance to get my liberal arts degree and LPN certificate. I believe going back to school has helped me to relate better with my children that are young adults and in college. College has given me a better understanding of what the kids face at school. School can be looked at a haven of hope or despairing mountain that seems to hard to climb, but it is learning to take one step at a time and not look at the path but envisioning the goal.