Chattanooga State Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Chattanooga State Community College know before they start?


Focus on my grades and not about just having a good time


I am 22 years old, and unlike most of my friends who are graduating this december, I still have over 2 years left of school. I went to a University, i had a terrible death in my family so i dropped out for 2 years, but now im back. Thankfully! But the thing is, there is no rush. The only thing that is stopping me now is funding to go to school, and i am determined to fix the situation that i am in. So, If i could sit down with my high school self i would say, "McKenzi, If nothing else, breath and enjoy yourself. Stay happy, and optimistic, roll with the punches. Things aren't always perfect, but what is most definite about life is that things will change, emotions and times, good and bad, never stay for long. Enjoy EVERY single moment you have. Stay persistant. Make your goals, write them down, and never let them go." and "Most importantly (and most cliche) just be yourself, and left the love in your heart shine for people to see. You are beautiful."


If I was able to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have quite a few things to say. But the most important thing I could tell myself is not to stress. Just because I may not know exactly what I want to go to school for doesn’t mean I have to choose something right away. It is more important to find a career that I enjoy than to do something I don’t enjoy. I’m young and have a lot of life left in me. There is no reason to stress over it. I did well in high school and I know I’ll do fine in college because I am dedicated to my school work and know how important it is. So just take my time and set my goals to the highest standers and receive the highest degree I possibly can. And always, no matter what, set the Lord first.


When I was graduating from high school I was planning on going to a military college but during the summer I realized that I could not afford to go there. So instead I changed late in the summer to go to a local community college and then transfer to a 4 year school. So if I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that you don't have to jump into an expensive four year school. It is possible to start your education at a community college and then transfer, that way you aren't paying high tuition rates and you can work a part time job allowing you to save money for the upcoming years at the more expensive university.


Take all the offered classes that you have available that pretains to your course of study. Take advance placement classes when you can.


I have been taking college classes since my sophomore year of high school. I have enjoyed the challenge of the extra work and college mindset necessary to complete the work. Now I am getting ready to graduate from Chattanooga State with my Associates Degree to transfer to University of Tennessee at Chattanooga for Business Management. I think back to my senior year of school at Middle College High and I wish i could have worked a little harder for the extra A's on my transcript. The one thing i wanted to do was graduate with honors this May 2010. While taking the dual enrollment classes and attending Middle College high, if i would have worked just a little harder and put more effort into my work i could be walking across the stage this year with honors and that golden sash. But, that will not be happening as i needed a 3.5 GPA. I will be graduating with a 3.45. I almost had it. Now, i will set my new goal for my Bachelor's Graduation for honors in my General Business Management degree.


Colt, This is your future and since your a student athelic your free time will be cut in half. So get your work done first and get you one of those free tutors they offer. after that you can hang out all day and most of the night. O'yeah turn that phone off too so you can do your work, and dont procrastinate ok. Now have a good day and do not eat all the food in the cafe, "bye."


If I could go back in time and give myself some advice about college, it would be to focus focus FOCUS! I would tell myself to take my time and not rush through my classes because they matter and they DO make a difference in my overall career in college. I would also encourage myself to take it slow when making decisions about my career, because college is expensive...wasting time taking classes for nothing isn't going to get me anywhere.


My advice to myself would be to study more and to listen to what the teachers have to say because in the long run they were only there to help you not hurt you. It is a whole lot harder and i should have stayed buckled down and studied.


Use the resources at your campus to assist you in your transition. Visit the career office in your school and learn what resources are available to you in the area of career assessment and the information on resumes and job hunting. Be strategic in your college years, work in realted fields within your major, DO AN INTERNSHIP or TWO! It will help you tremendously along the way.