Chester College of New England Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Chester College of New England?


Anyone who likes living in the city should not come here. It is really quiet but there is not much around. Its great for the people who enjoy environments like that but if you would prefer to live in the city you would not enjoy it at this school.


Anyone can attend this school, the students here are open and inviting. They will accept anyone. In general though, if someone doesn't like a secluded enviroment, and a really quiet place, then they shouldn't atttend here.


Any person who wishes to better their craft should attend Chester College of New England. All people should always look at all their options. Chester College has a beautiful campus, friendly students and staff, and awesome professors. I can't see anybody not being able to or not wanting to attend this school. Unless the person wants a big school. Chester College is a fairly small community, so if the person is looking for a large campus that may be the deciding factor of not attending Chester.