My college experience has been two fold. It has been hard work and enlightning. I have learned that with hard work anything is possible. I have also learned the satisfaction of receiving a passing grade for my best efforts. I have finished two years at a community college and am looking forward to step into my bachelor degree program. However, I have run into a hardship. The university I want to attend has informed me that I am not qualified to receive funding and must pay the tuition myself, which I don't have. What I do have is determination. I will continue to search out scholarships and grants to pay for my college so that I can graduate. The most valuable part of attending a college for me was learning how to deal with problems even if they look like they are bigger than life itself. My college experience has taught me perservance. I will perserve through my financial struggles and become a better person for it. I hope that you will help me finish my college career. Thank you for your time. Kristin Jordan!
My university has taught me many things, and much of it has been about people. I've learned how to meet new friends, complete a successful interview, and engage strangers in comfortable conversation. I've also learned very much about art, and how different styles and thoughts can create better ones or just enhance the old. It's about appreciation for the "old masters" and the new ideas, and how to tell what works and what doesn't to the human eye.
In this situation, I would assure myself that my future was safe in my hands, because I had the power to determine it. I would tell myself to follow my desires, to reach for my dreams, and aspire to be all that I wanted. Most importantly, I would explain to myself that my accomplishments or failures were my own to process. Others having pride in me has no affect on my future. I own my future. I own my present. I own my choices.
If I could give myself advice I would encourage myself to stay focused on my goals, get organized, and above all else not procrastinate and always give it my best.
Going back to my high school senior year, I would do the same process but once I am in school I would stay. Instead of getting out into the work field and trying to attend college. I would have stayed at home and went to the two year community college in town then moved away. I should have listen to my mother when she suggested that. In this world today higher education is extermely important where as 15 years ago, one could get with a company and grow with in that company and get the skills need to get promoted with in the same company. My advice to myself would be stay home for two years get the associate degree and then apply for a good university and finish. Get into the work field and keep your skills fresh!
When I was a senior in high school I didn't really study because doing my homework to me was my studying. Now I realize how doing your homework in college is simply not enough if you want to understand the concepts. I would tell myself to study more and pick up good study habits in order to do well on mid-terms and final exams. Other than that, the transition is not very difficult as long as you are a hard-working student who is determined to get that degree.
As soon as possible you should think about what you could imagine to do with your life in general. Look closer at your interests and try out things that you could imagine as well but have never done before, for example do some community service at a hospital. If you know what your interests are and if you can imagine working in one of your interests field, find out which specific jobs you could do in this field and then select the study field which best fits to this/these jobs. Now you can look at the different colleges and universities. Go and visit the campus and talk to students who study the same thing you want to do at each universities.Also think about fun stuff you like to do, like certain sports or music groups. Evaluate all universities you have chosen and then eliminate those which don't match best. You should choose the 5 best and then start applying. Now you can start thinking about housing and tuition, so try to find scholarships and fill out the FAFSA. Do the whole process early and you wont have any problems!
I would tell my self nothing. If I changed any part of my past I would not be the same person that I am today. My whole live I have struggled with school, along with other things, but that struggle allowed me sharpen my skills and have the drive to persevere through college. I am happy with who I am and every day I continuously work on my faults. Through my past experiences I have learned to put in the extra needed time for classes. If I told myself anything it my alter valuable lessons that I need. I am secure with my past and continuously move forwarded to my goal of a civil engineer no matter what it takes.
When people tell you to study take them serious, just because you make straight A's now doesn't mean you will in college. Your professors will help you and you should get into study groups early. Don't I repeat don't miiss classes you will forever be behind. Do lots and lots of volunteer work if you want to get into Med school and make great grades. Do homework and preticipate in class those grades add up in the end. Try and make friends don't be afraid to be yourself people will like you. Get into the campus organizations and honors organization that give you volunteer work and most of all STAY FOCUSED!!!!!!!
I would tell myself that living at home, while it seems like it would not be that bad, is not much fun. I would encourage myself to find more scholarships and work harder to earn enough money to live on campus. I would also tell myself not to worry, that everything was going to be ok. I would tell myself that I was going to make amazing friends and not to be nervous about getting involved and going to parties, just to relax and enjoy yourself. I would say do not panic about every test you have, it is not worth worrying about, to just do my best and that would be good enough.