Christian Brothers University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about my school is that the professors are really helpful. The professors here make sure that everyone understands the area they are teaching. The professors are always available when assistance is needed the most. Another great thing about my school is that the classroom sizes are small. Each student has the chance to get to know their professor well. The professor actually know each student in their class. To me a student at this school isn't just a number.


School open your mind up to different ways to look at life. Learning how business works or how to improve your writing skills are two of the best things to me.


T thing that the best thing about my school is that it is small. It is like a big family that were every one is looking out for your best interest. Not only does the school make you feel secure but they push you to the best of your abilities. This school cares and wants you to succeed in life.


the best thing about my school is the faculties are awesome


I think it is a challenging school, giving me a good education, all while allowing me to have fun and make friends. I can also interact with professors since they are open to helping and talking with students. CBU gives me a great network of friends and professors to help me through tough times and help me focus on a career.


The best thing about my school is the size of the classes. There are just enough people to allow the professors one on one interaction with the students. Students feel comfortable in classes because of the small sizes. This allows for more open discussions and deep lectures. Also, The campus itself is small. One thing everyone loves is the accessibilty from one class to another. It is only a five minute walk at CBU compared to 20 minute walks at larger universities. Besides the size of the school itself, the population of students are great. Everyone knows everyone.


As for me, this school will guaranteed a job upon my graduation.


The class size allows students to feel like people, and most of the professors act like they value your opinion and the quality of your work. I never feel like I'm unfairly graded, and I feel as though I'm always "heard" when I speak up in class.


The small class sizes


This school is well respected among the local community and local employers