Christopher Newport University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Christopher Newport University? Why?


lack of off campus entertainment


The worst thing about CNU is that it is too hard to get the classes you want and to finish in the four years required.


The food


As it is a dry campus, many students feel the need to leave campus on weekends in order to get their dose of partying. This leads to a lack of campus life. I believe the students need to get over it and find more things to do than just drinking. Partying does happen, but there are other ways to socialize too.


Parking is not the best if you are commuting from off-campus housing. There are only two dining halls to choose from, and the one with better food has crappy hours, especially on the weekends. Pay close attention to what you need to fulfill your degree because the academic advisors do not always know which classes you should be taking. Don't expect to get to live on-campus unless you are in the Honors/President's Leadership Program because they don't have enough housing for even all of the sophmores sometimes! The art program STINKS!


I think the way the school does housing arrangements could be a lot better. Instead of letting senior get the first picks, they put ALL students in a lottlery. I think it should be done by your academic standing. It's not fair that sophomores can get housing but seniors are forced to find an off-campus apartment because there isn't enough space in the dorms.


The longer you stay here, the less important you are to the university. They go way out of their way to impress prospective students, but they rarely listen to the concerns of the juniors and seniors.


Strict policies


The location and size require you to have access to a car in order to go out and have fun. There is no busing system.


The only bad thing I can think of about CNU is that it is a growing school and there is ALWAYS contruction going on. It doesn't get in my way of learning/social life too much, but it is a bit of an annoyance. However, I know that the school is only trying to improve. The construction can be a pain but overall its the only thing I can think of that is negative.