First of all,I would tell myself to learn and love MATH. Develope very good study and discipline skills. If you encounter a difficult task, DO NOT GIVE UP!!! Keep trying and seek out help. Become good friends with people who are positive, progressive and those who are not afraid of taking risks. Be kind to yourself when you fail and when you encounter a difficult situation. Remember to stay focused on the prize, and never ever let someone else steer you in a direction that you do not want to take. If you can, find a mentor or two. Have people around whom you can call and lean on for almost anything and recepicate. Also, always question. Always have a thirst for knowledge and wisdom.
As a current college student there are alot of mistakes that I have made and advantages that I did not take as a high school senior that I should have. While attending high school I had many counselors advise me to sign up for scholarships and different workshops assisting those who needed help towards recieving money for college. I now find myself regretting not taking the help that was given to me on countless occasions! Here I am now a college student taking out student loans to help pay for my schooling. I have no job and no financial aid because to them my dad makes enough money to put me through college., but I find it rather amusing how; with 4 kids to raise, provider for their everyday necessities, a home to pay off as well as bills is that possible. Most universities tuition can range from 19,000 + a year, so here I am settling at a community college hoping and praying to recieve the best education I possibly can and hope for the future to get a promising job to pay off my loans. To my old self I would say THINK!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would say to look harder and apply for all scholarships because there is money out there, don't wait for the last minute when you wont be able to continue the plan and pay for the rest of your education on your own. Waiting for the last minute is not the way dont be embarrased to ask your counselors for help if no one is offering to help you find your way at home. Apply yourself and look harder and remember never give up on education because No One can ever take what you have accomplished away from you No One can deny that you are educated in the long run in life. At the end all that matters is that little piece of paper that says you have completed and are qualified to do what you set out to do. Without a degree you are no one.
If I could go back in time and give myself any advice for my future as student I would say, " Rachel, there are two things you must have in order to obtain your dreams, the first being courage." You have to have the audacity to push yourself in the midst of lonlieness, dissapointment, anxiety, and even fear. Once you conquer these things the rest is quite simple. However, it is not easy and it requires sacrifice. The second thing I would tell myself is to "hold on to humility". Humility is what allows for opportunities we are unable to obtain on our own. Being humble opens the doors of scholarships and grants, of investors and family. Humility will allow you to surpass your own mental setbacks as well as the negativity of others. Consequently, humility will be a result of courageousness.
If I could go back in time I would tell myself to take a minute and step back to better evaluate the situation inorder to get better control so I can be prepared for what I am about to do.
I should do my best in ACT or SAT because these tests are very important for a high school student to go to the college he or she desires. I should participate in more high school activities and do more volunteer work and enjoy my high school life. Even though studying is good, but it might be a bad decision to study all the time. However, even I cannot get a nice score on ACT or SAT, I could still go to a community college. If I want to get higher education, there is always a way to do so. No difficulty can stop a person unless I do not want to go anywhere.