City Colleges of Chicago-Kennedy-King College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about City Colleges of Chicago-Kennedy-King College?


Paying for school


one thing that vexed me is the cost of books, i didn't qualify for aid i had to take out a loan, and i found out that the loan money didn't even cover my books, when i went to pay out of pocket they wanted $100 dollars or more just for a used book! I ended up buying them all offline, and when they had book returns at the end of the semester students would only get back between $10-20 for somthing their going to resale again for 100 bucks! what a RIp-Off!


the most frustrating thing about my school is that ,the time he buses come over there to pick people up is really bad esspecially this winter season. And also our school is by the lake so the breez which comes over there is really cold which can get many people sick even me. And also one frustarting thing is how bad the student smokes every time you are going through the building you will see at least 7 people infront smoking and that is very bad.