Clarke University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Clarke University?


I tell them about the friendly and knowledgable staff. They are easy to talk to and truly care about each student as a person and not as a number.


I brag about how the teachers and proffesors are student oriented. I also am proud of how I have been able to succeed. My academic success is most influenced by hard work, but also by the help of proffesors who really do care about the students. In most large universities, the faculuty does not care about the students. At Clarke, the faculuty really do care about the success of the students.


I brag the most about how I am able to email my teachers several times a day and they usually respond as soon as they can. I love how my teachers recognize me and care about me and how I am doing. I am not just a name on a piece of paper.


What I brag about most is that I can wake up, get ready for class, and walk to my classroom in less than a half hour (I'd say that's record time for a female!). There is no bus system because my school is very small. I also tell them about the great one on one relationship that I have with all my teachers.


I brag about the generous scholarships they give, the accomodations of class times, and everyone being super-dee-duper helpful and friendly, including staff!!!!


That I dont have to write papers


The school food is actually really good, especially desserts. Occasionally, our head of the food services will be in the cafeteria carving a turkey or ham for the students.