Clarkson University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Clarkson University!


It is unique in a sense that the students are always striving for their ambitions and always excel in academia


As a freshman business student you take a class that allows you and fellow classmates to actually start your own business. This teaches you a lot of things about businesses first-hand.


tons of research availabilities and a strong, faithful alumni base. small community-oriented campus with minimal distractions.


Clarkson is a learning-based community. There is a lot of emphasis on research and looking more into things you find interesting. The thing I love most about Clarkson is that we all help each other on homework. Many of the people in my major form study groups and help each other with homework assignments. It is not a matter of competition, but learning the material. I considered other larger schools, but they were just too big for me. Clarkson just felt right when I came to visit. Everyone was so friendly.


It is isolated from big cities and towns. It helps me concentrate more on school work .


Clarkson is a group focsed environment and students help each other out. Everyone here is really friendly and always ready for a good time.


The most unique things about Clarkson University is students receive a very friendly welcome immediately from current students and faculty; the classroom is an experimental facility where students learn hands on through real life experiences; the campus is small, but everyone knows everyone and it is very comforting. Overall, Clarkson University is that home away from home because there is always something to do.


Clarkson is definitely an investment opportunity for any student's future. The school is well known for its job placement program and its superior educational experience. Although there may be limited opportunities around for socializing, we can easily take a weekend trip to Canada, or head to the mountains to board and ski. Clarkson . The school is located near four other universities, so meeting people is fairly easy. The school keeps a low social profile, so you definitely have to go out and fing things on the wekeends, but you always manage to find something fun to do!


Clarkson is a small private research school in a quiet community.