Clayton State University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Clayton State University?


A student who just wants to get by.


A student who is not motivated to go to school should not go to Clayton State University. Also, it is essential for a student to know what major he or she wants to pursue and what could be done with degree. However, if one does not know, there is an integrative program, which is when one takes preferred classes that would fit in for success in future.


If you are into really traditional colleges that have a very elaborate, lavish campus life, Clayton may not be a good fit for you. There is no football team, and the activities are really club based. It is not a school like UGA, or Jackson State where Sororities/Fraternity life is prominent. This is what most would consider a "non traditional" college, so choose your interests wisely. When I went there was not even on-campus housing. That has since changed, but the type of college it is still remains the same. I enjoyed myself though overall.


Students who are not serious yet with life and what they aspire to be may not want to attend Clayton State. Clayton State is not a high profile school with well known football teams and sports curriculums. Those attending should expect a hard working yet rewarding but relaxed and peaceful school life.


People who are not serious about school should not attend this school.


Someone who is looking for a large social network . For example parties, fraternities, or sororities.