Clemson encourages diversity and building frienships with those who are different from you. A lot of students come from South Carolina but still a significant number come from all over the United States and even from over seas. I believe they said they had 45 states and either 6 or 8 different countries represented at my orientation, just to give an example.
Experiences with racial, religious, LGBT, socio-economics, and the like are actually more than I would have expected. There are dozens of groups for most of those listed above and the atmosphere at Clemson is generally very open and tolerant.
A close-minded student (or maybe someone from the KKK) would feel out of place at Clemson. Otherwise, there's probably something for everyone.
Most students wear flip-flops and t-shirts to class. The girls like to wear dresses in warmer times and crocs are common around campus. The dress code is pretty casual. Sometimes, too casual.
Yes, different types of students interact! I see so much mingling on campus and it really instills a sense of diversity and acceptance in me. It's one of the best things about this place.
Okay, four tables. The tables are wooden, I think and about three feet tall. The students sitting at each of the four tables are usually divided like this: the intellectual deep thinkers, people who are of one ethnicity also group together, the goof balls, and the odd-ball group (a group made up of all kinds of misfits).
A lot of Clemson students are from the American Southeast.
Most Clemson students either seem to be from upper-class or lower middle class.
Most students are politcally aware. There are usually political quotes from presidential candidates scrawled in chalk all over the campus walkways. Political debate is a also a hot topic in classroom disscussion.
Only a few students I know talk about how much they'll earn one day.
I haven't been around enough.
There is not a lot of racial diversity at Clemson, but the diversity that does exist is promoted maybe a little too much. There are several prominent religious groups on campus, including the largest FCA in the U.S., and a general presence of religion, since it is a primarily conservative southern school. The last time I checked over 20{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students are in Greek organizations, so the major social system is almost exclusively run by them. A person who is anti- fraternity/ sorority would probably feel out of place because of their prominence on campus. Students generally come anywhere from right to center type, upper middle class homes and are politically aware, but not so active.
students are from all over the country and are predominantly conservative. Though this is a widespread situation, students are open and very accepting to new ideas. A real flower child however would feel out of place and lost.
All the kids are the kindest people in the world. The whole campus has your typical southern hospitality to it. Everyone in the surrounding areas are the same. Its difficult to come across a person that is I'll tempered. You will feel welcome no matter where you're from.
Clemson's student body is very diverse, and no student would feel out of place. Clemson offers a wide variety of different clubs and organizations for each and every student. The interactions between students are always very friendly, because everyone has one thing in common - we are all tigers. And based on that one fact, we can all see the good in one another, no matter what.
Clemson is one of the unique universities in that we are trying to make sure that we are seen as one family, no matter where you come from or what you previous background. The university goes out of there way to educate all students about different cultures and wants students to feel free to express there differences to make this a very understanding and together community and the students for the most part from what I have seen embrace this to the fullest. I do not think that really anybody would feel out of place here unless you were not willing to work hard on your education and you were close minded about people and maybe racist or something like that, we are one big family here. As far as attire to class, it is pretty relaxed and you dress according to your own preferences to some degree or civility and depending upon if you have project presentations or things like that coming up. For the most part, people wear shorts and cooling clothes when it is warm and when the winter months set in then they dress more in a pair of jeans, coats and such to stay warm. Everybody interacts with everybody here on some level but you do have your groups that share similar interest that might hang out more than others but that is just how the world spins but when we come together we come together and there are no lines that can not be crossed over embraced as whether you are in a classroom setting that requires you to interact with someone or the many events that happen here that make you aware of others and you build friendships that last. I would guess that most students are from some part of South Carolina but there are people from all over the nation here as you see people from up north wanting to come down for the warmer weather and family atmosphere or the people from farther south that just found their way here for their own reasons or the people frm out west that ventured here also. This university is competative in many areas that attract many students from all over, not just this state.... that includes places from across the globe. The student body is made up of all types of financial backgrounds and no one seems to dominate more than the other as this is a big public university that makes accommodations for all. Of course students talk about how much they are going to make one day as that is one of the benefits of getting a Clemson education and experiencing the lore of this university because companies recruit us highly and know that you will be well educated once you finish your degree and also well trained, so that is a perk that comes with the diploma and many students want to start planning as their careers start to come into focus but that is not done in a negative way.
no stereotypes or discrimination. everyone is chill and gets along well
Absolutely amazing. Unique and special group group of people make up this student body.