Clemson University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Clemson University!


Clemson is fun, but it's also college.


Clemson is the greatest place in the world to experience many different things. By being a closed campus in a college town, you have the chance to meet people and not really be alone as you might be in a large city. College is the time to figure out what you like and who you really are. I don't think I would have had the same college experience or made the same friends anywhere but Clemson


Clemson is an awesome college. I was raised to hate it like the devil yet I somehow ended up going there, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.




There is nowhere else better to be than Clemson South Carolina!!


Clemson is the little big school. Small town atmosphere with a big University presence!


Clemson rocks, just be aware it's a largely conservative student body and that someone will try to save you at least once a month. I just tell 'em I'm Catholic (I'm not).


Personally, I like Clemson because of the Mechanical Engineering Program and the instructors. Clemson is a growing college, they are building new buildings all over campus and they are improving the engineering program every year. Clemson is not so good for business school, so don't come here for business.


College is what you make of it. Find classes, friends, and activities that challenge you and excite you. That is what will make it easy to wake up every day like it is the best day of your life... because it is!


Clemson can be te perfect fit for alot of students. I like how they try to cater to individuals but still look after everyone.