Clemson University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Clemson University?


What makes Clemson different from other universities is that it teaches you how to fish. It takes the old adage "catch a man a fish and he'll live for a day; teach a man to fish and he'll live for a lifetime." Clemson offers principles of life throughout the teaching cirriculum as well as supplying the knowledge you need for your field. By doing this Clemson creates a marketable competitor for jobs as well as filling your mind with knowledge that is prepared to handle any situation that is thrown at you.


Yes, professors know your name, especially if you are one of the people who are constantly showing up outside class for help. Other times, they don't know your name or they will "give" you a name. My favorite class? Eh, too many to pick from. My least favorite? Management. How long students study depends on the student. I know of students who seem to study 24/7 and some who hardly study at all. Class participation is not usually common in a large class, but can occur in smaller ones. Yes, students do have intellectual conversations outside of class. As a matter of fact, their conversations are so intellectual that sometimes the slower ones like me cannot keep up with them and have to spend our time staring forlornly at our dining hall mystery meat. Students are quite competitve as a matter of fact. Well, considering if the class allows them to be. I hardly think that a large lecture only class would show students competing as to who can take the best notes or pay the most attention. The most unique class I have ever taken is the carillon class! Class is held inside a bell tower for heaven's sake. You don't get that everyday. My major department is psychology. Nothing much to see there. Just some white lab coats running experiments and students taking ten-minute surveys. Do I spend time with professors outside of class? Heck no. I mean, they're tough enough in person, let alone being with them alone in person. Well, when it comes to academics anyway. I'd think it'd be cool if students could go bowling or something with their professors. Clemson's academic requirements are the basics. Well, except for the fact that they have a lot of work attached to those basics and some hard-to-understand concepts thrown in every once in a while. Clemson is definitely geared towards getting a job. I'm always hearing how something we learn in class applies to the outside world or a job situation.


The advisers are wonderful. I've yet to take a class there because I'm a rising freshman, so I can't provide more information.


Clemson is a research university with a great science program, among many other great programs, most notably engineering. The place is filled with determined, intelligent students with an amazing capacity to think and get involved with their majors. The students are extremely competitive, which makes the professors more than willing to help with anything we need.


The professors are very good. Most of them learn who you are, even in larger classes. They are accessible outside of class and are very helpful. Engineering isn't easy, but there are several groups like supplemental instruction and study hours that are there to help you. The quality is there, you just need to figure out how to use it just like any other college. The school has the image of being a huge party school, but we know when it is time to get down to business and work.


The professors at Clemson are awesome! The class sizes are relatively small, so it is very personal and the students aren't just "numbers". I actually look forward to most of my classes! Being a math major, I have had great experiences with the professors in this area. Also, the academic advisors are VERY helpful and easy to talk to. The genuinely care about your education and achieving your goals in order to prepare you for the future.


The academic environment here at Clemson is one of the most unique in the state and very demanding but fun in the same right. The professors make it a priority for the most part to get to know their students and make sure they are on track and understand that they want the students to succeed but they are going to be challenged in more ways than they actually thought. Studying is basically left up to the individual and their field of study but you will find that most people are constantly studying as it is not just competative here but put on a national scale to be one of the best schools in the nation if not the best and we are well known for our engineering and science program here so people are hitting the books hard to continue to be on the forefront of innovation and research. You are encouraged to participate in your classes as it can only benefit in your growth, so it is tied into the professors curricula for the semesters that you are here. The students are constantly talking about all sorts of things that pertain to their majors but also on other intellectual levels also plus we also know how to unwhine and enjoy the unique culture here as the university offers so much to keep the balnce between work and play plus letting you grow as an adult before jumping out there in the real world. The academic requirements here are very strict and yet accommodating to help you learn and benefit from the growing world around us that will allow you to succeed once you leave this university. The great thing that I have noticed about Clemson is that they keep a very special balance between gearing your education towards the goal of finding a fulfilling and challenging job after graduation and learning the material to have a higher sense of knowledge and sense of accomplishment. The academic experience here is unparalled and can make you into a well round person that can balance so many things once you graduate and during your time here.


Don't know yet.


can have a lot of fun and still study a lot. provides a lot of extra help when needed. competitive students. teachers want you to succeed.


The academics were pretty tough. The curriculum's and professors were very rigorous in their teaching. However this has shaped me into a much better person.