They don't offer more things for minority students, such as concerts and stuff. Stuff is more catered to the white caucasiun students.
The most frustrating thing to me is that for advising appointments, I don't actually get to meet with my advisor. I have to meet with someone else who really doesn't know me or what I want to do. I would prefer to meet with my actual advisor, but I know that she has thousands of students and there is no way that she could ever meet with us all.
The only frustrating aspect of Clemson is that it offers amazing scholarships for in-state students. Unfortunately I am not an in-state student and therefore was not able to reap these benefits. I have worked so incredibly hard to have the GPA that I have for graduate school admittance, yet I have not received any assitance from this school as an out-of-state resident.
The location was the most frustrating aspect about my school. The school is located in a rural area. The campus is the center point of the entire town.
Delay of processing information. We wait for everything we need to know. Example: financial aid processing takes basically all summer before you find out if you have all the paperwork and enough funds for school.
While I don't consider Clemson to be 'too big', there are enough people that's you can get 'lost in the crowd'. Even if you attempt to join different clubs or groups, it can be difficult make a connection. It would probably help, especially during freshman year, if there was some program that encouraged interaction between students. The friends I make in classes come and go every semester. The people I've stayed close to are girls who were on my hall in previous years or people I met randomly.
The most frusterating thing at my school is dealing with the few very conservative and religous people. There are not many who have to push their beliefs on you, but there are a few at every school. Mostly people here are very open to your ideas.
The most frustrating thing about my school right now is trying to register for classes. For some classes that a lot of students need, they only offer a few sections so you could be in a class with 200 other students. Also, another frustrating thing is online homework. If they can't teach it to us in class, then what good is the computer going to do?
i absolutely loved my school and I can't say that there was ever really anything that frustrated me about it.
The lack of different racial groups really hanging out with one another.