Clemson University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


It is a professional university. They have good facilities, faculty, and practices.


The close knit community feel.


The spirit of those who love this place, students, alumni, faculty, and staff.


I really like how the students interact with each other and the strong sence of pride that everyone on my campus has.


I enjoy the close proximity to home and the mountains. It allows me to get off campus and spend enjoyable time in nature, away from distractions of school.


the school spirit


The thing I consider the best about my school is our school spirit. Sure every university has students who support their team, but there is just something special about Clemson fans. Alumnae come back for every home game, starting days in advance to camp out, cook out, and be surrounded by those who enjoy the same thing they do- the Clemson Family. I ran into a stranger once who said it perfectly, "I don't know what it is about you Clemson people, but your undying love for Clemson is admired by everyone I know."


I like the campus the most at Clemson. It's so beautiful, year round. It's also very practical, and everything is within walking distance of everything else and it's easy to navigate.


There are a lot of activities for students to get involved with in order to make new friends.


The friendly atmostphere and opportunities for undergraduate research.