Cleveland State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Cleveland State University.


Very nice and approachable.




My classmates are usually hard workers and stay focused on the topic but still know how to enjoy the college experience.


My classmates are fun, helpful, diverse, come from all walks of life, and all age groups.


My classmates are very nice individuals with lots of great information to share. We all have something to contribute and make for a great learning environment. I really enjoy my group and look forward to partnering with them on future projects.


Young at heart and some in age as well with eyes filled with hopes and dreams of success.


My classmates are diverse!


The student body at CSU is extremely diverse, from race to sexual orientation to age and gender. The atmosphere at the school is just as diverse-you can pass people in the hall wearing sweatpants, and then pass other people wearing suits. Students come from all walks of life. There are students who are at CSU directly after graduating high school and students that waited ten years after high school graduation to attend CSU. There are the transfer students in the middle, older professionals switching fields or completing education, and the Project 60 students adding to the wisdom of the class discussions. Cleveland State has one of the most diverse student bodies in any Ohio institution.


Have not started classes yet, so I can't answer.


They are very focused on going to school, getting the work done. In upper level classes they do work in groups and share information on classwork. 1