Cleveland State University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


Best known for city life living, busy individuals that are usaully commuters, and our vikings basketball team.


I would probably say is that the city of Cleveland is basicly your campus. The school is built right around everything in Cleveland, so the students become apart of the city of Cleveland.


Having the best dorms! They are nicer than the other ten 4-year public schools I applied to by far!


I would have to say our school is best known for the academic programs and our Division I sports teams. In addition, we are known for the being one of America's Best Colleges for 2010 and being in the heart of downtown Cleveland.


My school is best know for its basketball team and law library.


They are highly recognized for their Marshall College of Law and for their accounting program. Both of which are high on the charts for their area. Also CSU is known for it's outstanding basketball team. There are many more that I haven't learned about yet, but am looking forward to.


We have an excellent basketball team that is performing very well. The majority of the law students passed the bar with flying colors the first time around.


The sports and other community related activities.


Engineering program, law program and athletics.

