Colby College Top Questions

Describe the students at Colby College.


There are racial, religious, and LGBT student organizations available on campus, but they're not prevalent in student life by any means. They're the kind of organizations that the typical student gets an email about in the General Digest and simply deletes. Colby attire is an interesting blend of brand names and high-end outdoor-wear since the school is in such a cold environment. There's a lot of noticeable brand sporting for girls with Seven or True Religion jeans, and Longchamp or Herve Chapelier book bags. However, for the most part it's about the outdoor-wear. Lots of LL Bean, Patagonia, North Face, Mountain Hardwear, Marmot. Different types of students definitely interact, another benefit of the small class sizes. My discussion-based classes have given me the opportunity to meet people on this campus that I might not have otherwise talked to. Income or financial background isn't discussed that much between students outside of class, and I don't think the financial situation is tense at Colby. People are, for the most part, open-minded, receptive, and nice to one another. The most tense clash of hometowns I've witnessed was an argument over whether a drinking game was called "beirut" or "beer pong." Your typical Colby student is informed and politically aware.


Colby's student body is diverse. We have multi-cultural housing, clubs, and programs. We are also a liberal campus, and very accepting of any demographic. I cant imagine anyone feeling out of place here. Students wear whatever they feel comfortable in. On the weekends, most people dress up a little more. Unless a sports team is eating, you can find all different types of students sitting together at meals, talking about anything, the importance of certain vegetables, or elections.


There are most definitely LGBT people on campus that make sure everyone is treated fairly, although some people can tend to be less PC and cautious about their words than others. I don't see this as a bad thing, however, because people aren't constantly watching what they say to make sure they don't offend this person or that. People in general are pretty comfortable with themselves and act accordingly. Many Colby students are form Mass. but there is also a large population of foreign students who are integrated quite nicely into the school's population. Many students are politically active. One event that comes to mind is the other day, for the Democratic Caucus, one of my friends couldn't make it because of work, and kept saying how bad he felt that he could not practice his voting privilege.