Colby College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Colby College accurate?


Pretty much, yeah.


No! By all means, no! While many students like to engage in physical activities, only 33{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students participate on a varsity sports team. Colby is certainly not homogeneous. The administration made a concerted effort last year to increase the amount of diversity on campus, and they have certainly succeeded. The amount of diversity nearly doubled since last year, and Colby is now only 69{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} Caucasian, which rivals for the most diverse NESCAC. Also, in terms of personality, there is a little bit of everything at Colby and no group dominates social life. There are the jocks, geeks, lax bros, lax girls, theater kids, green freaks, and everything in between. But what ties everyone together is an undeniable intellectual pursuit and general friendliness.


Yes and no. There are so many different facets of the student body at Colby. You have the option to join whatever group you want. I would say that about half of the student body is made of upper middle class white kids from the suburbs of New England(which is also the case at Bowdoin, Middlebury, Dartmouth, etc.), however this has been slowing changing over the years and the student has become very international. In the four years I was there I began to see a noticeable integration between the "old boy" students and the minority and international population. For the most part everyone gets along very well and has a deep respect for one another. If anything I think some of the international students have a harder time understanding the preppy culture than vice versa. The professors are wonderful yet very demanding.


very much so..but not applicable to every single colby student, because obviously not EVERYONE is the same....just around 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}.


not really


The Colby classroom education is one of the best in the country - This is absolutely not true. The Colby education is very over priced and honestly many of the professors especially in the economics, government and chemistry are particularly arrogant men and women who think that they know it all when it comes to education. Unfortunately, I wish this was the case. Instead of being better teachers in class (i.e. helping students understand the course material better) the professors once they are tenured just don't care if their teaching styles are outdated or not or if the students are understanding the material. So much for a small liberal arts college with good profs eh! It is a predominatly jock and white school - Yeah this stereotype is absolutely true most students do fit the mould of being a jock and at times a very obnoxious with their hauttiness which unfortunately most students decide to pick up in order to fit into the campus lifestyle. Most kids are from 20 mins outside of Boston - Although, on paper this may look different with Colby's emphasis on diversity but it has not perculated in terms of the social life. Most kids who are dominant are from 20mins outside of Boston like many of my friends were. The majority of kids who attend colby are rich and spoilt - This is true for the majority of the student body who come from this privileged backgrounds.


yes. some kids are smart. many are just athletes or very preppy and have little personality or care about anything.


Not at all. The majority may be rich, but there is a certain humility and a willingness to hear and learn.


Not at all! I have many friends on sports teams who I still get to hang out with, and I have a lot of friends who don't do anything athletic at all. I know a fair number of people who are also not "preppy," or ones that don't fall into a specific category. Colby is a place where everyone is tolerant, and everyone has activities across the board. The only stereotype with any credibility is that a lot of people are "20 minutes outside of Boston."


Yes, but there's so much more to them. While there definitely are groups of people, Colby kids are much more than the social labels inevitably acuqired at a small school. People between groups definitely mingle, and it's small enough that you can create friendships across boundaries based on whom you live near or what classes you take.