How fast it will take me to get my degree and how much money I have saved.
Flexible classes, friendly staff, tons of opportunities, and accessible locations. College of Southern Nevada works aroud any schedule and has so many degrees and alternative educational paths. And if you want to transfer to a 4 year university, the advisors will really help you out on making that happen.
The tutors and writing center is great! It is a nice and spread out campus .Most of the teachers are great and friendly and go the extra mile to help you with the class, but there has been some baaahhhd ones. I do not think I brag to anyone about this but I do get my great accomodations from the DRC staff and they are very helpful and go the extra mile to help me with my academics. If one asks me about them I always give them a high rating.
When I speak to my friends about school two common topics come up. They are my grades and how teachers view me. Out of my friends I am the one who gets the best grades so when speaking about our grades I tend to brag. After the grades are talked about we move on to the teachers. A few of my professors have questioned me in the middle of class due to the fact I am able to answer diffiult questions that others cannot. So I brag about being smart!
The Nursing Program
I love the small class sizes.
The thing I brag about isn't necessarily which school I am going to, its the fact that I'm actually going back and doing it, and I get to experience the ride with my husband. Now that's what I consider bragging rights once you've reached that point in your life where you spend more time discussing with co workers and friends how you should've gone to school...well I'm actually doing it.
When speaking about the college I attend I tend to brag about how the college is the friendliest. Also, I tend to acknowledge that the professors of the college are the best out of the three campuses. The teachers tend to be in their offices, they are approachable. and want to help you. The College of Southern Nevada is so flexable and it is their for the community.
I brag most about the quality of support I've recieved from all the classes I've been in and the support the student services staff gives. Unlike some universities, CSN's staff tend to be more geared towards helping the student learn rather than getting a paycheck. I find that quality of staff very important when trying to learn or gathering help when lost. If it wasn't for the staff members at CSN being so kind and helpful by providing excellent guidance I would've been more afraid of college because of it's open nature.
When I am bragging about my school, there are three things I brag about most--small class sizes, multiple campuses, and diversity. The small class sizes make sure I get the personal attention I need when trying to learn. Each teacher goes out of their way to make sure we are understanding the information. Also, there are three CSN campuses around the Las Vegas area--northwest, south east, and west. This makes it convenient to attend class at a campus that is most convenient to you. Finally, the diversity in the school makes everyone confortable, old, young, black, and white.
The fact that my choice in schools offers so many classes for non-traditional students that have full time jobs, making it a great option for professionals who want to educate themselves.
That I can go to classes on my schedule, they offer online courses and I can work on 3 degrees simultaniously.