College of the Ozarks Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


what are the rules


I wish I would have known how the government money works. College of the Ozarks takes your government money ( Pell Grant, etc.) and it goes straight to your tuition. So you have to pay over $5,000 each year that comes straight out of your pocket. Coming from a low income family, I am unable to achieve this balance and taking out loans every year isn't going to help me.


I wish that I had known how to study for classes before I came to College of the Ozarks. Every student has to find their own groove to study with, but usually, it seems, students that get that groove during high school struggle far less with adjusting to college life.


That it was going to be much harder than high school.


There's really nothing I wish I had known before I had come to this school. There were no unpleasant surprises or cover stories. This school is an amazing place and, so far my, experience has been wonderful.