Colorado College Top Questions

Describe the students at Colorado College.


The students at Colorado College are liberal and earthy but I would not describe them as all out hippies seeing as most of them are from white wealthy upper-class families. Most C.C. students can be described as being very in to whatever they are interested in. For example if a person rock-climbs, it would not be unusual for him or her to be in the climbing gym almost every day; or if a person acts for them to audition for every play and sometimes more than one at a time.


Overall, we are a very liberal, free-spirited student body. There are lots of "hippies," and nobody cares how you dress or what you do. Just about anything is accepted, except maybe conservatism, sometimes. Because of the party scene, there is a fair amount of vandalism on campus, mainly in the dorms, and sometimes the student body seems contradictory because they seem like such a bright group, but then they do stupid things.


see stereotype section....


the student body at CC is definitely white american. anyone who is not stands out but in a good way because people want to know them and learn about them. LGBT is highly accepted, again a "live and let live" mentality. It might take a while for people to warm up to those who are excessively 'different' but almost everyone has a niche they belong to and are most comfortable in. students do not really discuss their financial situation whether it's about where they come from or how much they'll make in the future. the only money they talk about are dining dollars and gold card money. students are somewhat politically aware and some are active. They like to act like they know what the candidates stand for but for the most part do not have a strong idea. for the most part students are predominantly left.


There is definitely no dress code. And there are definitely different social groups but I don't really think there are cliches or a hierarchy. A lot more students are now from the east coast and there is a greater diversity in the types of students but many of them still fall under liberal, not very religious, white, and affluent.


besides the fact that the student body is predominantly white, the demographic is often hard to decipher. i would say that many students actively try to play down their economic upbringing, so economic stratification isn't at the forefront of people's minds, for better or for worse. there have been incidents of severe racialism, homophobia and sexism, seemingly acts of ignorance, which hopefully will be resolved and informed by virtue of the fact that these students go to cc. for the most part the campus body is very tolerant, the most noticeable form of intolerance being intolerance of intolerance itself.


I don't know much about the student body. That may be a clue or maybe I just don't like to be involved in things that look like politics.


I went to public school and I was shocked by the number of 'trustafarians' at CC. A lot of kids went to ritzy boarding schools but are actually way more laid back than the East Coast atmosphere, so they come to CC. There is not a lot of diversity at CC, which was a bummer for me coming from Washington, DC. Kids wear whatever they want to class- sweatpants or sundresses are both 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} okay. I definitely wore both. For the most part CC is a liberal campus, although there are some conservative kids. CC students are really well informed on global and national news, especially politics, and are really active in global and national causes. I really don't think anybody would feel out of place at CC, except maybe somebody who never ever left their dorm room. CC is really social so that kid might feel left out? Unless they did not want to be social?


I really wish Colorado College was more diverse. However, this bland student body will have a hard time digging itself out of this hole because the lack of diversity in itself drives people away. Although I am not a minority, I believe it is fair to say that those in a minority position would be turned off to the school upon discovering this ridiculous lack of diversity. Despite the school's white majority, (at least in my own experience) no one on campus is prejudiced, so those that are minorities are not discriminated against, and there is a fair distribution of minority students among cliques. For example, I came from a rich public school where non-minorities stuck together, as did minorities. It is not like this at CC, and of that I am thankful.


Most students dress nicely for class. Occasionally, you'll see the quintessential freshman who has to get the "pajama-to-class" syndrome out of his/her system. Or the hungover upperclassman who is wearing the same thing s/he did yesterday. Everyone is friendly and welcoming, politically aware. However, I would say that students are naively liberal. Unfortunately, I expect that more often than not, the conservative opinion is not given valid consideration, except perhaps in the economics department. I have never heard any student mention being rich or not rich in the future, based on his or her studies at CC.