Colorado College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Colorado College!


Professors are paid piss-poorly and many of them resolutely refuse to retire or be coaxed to other, high-paying, high-profile institutions - there's something about this place that makes you never want to leave.


I haven't yet, but a lot of kids take advantage of the block breaks to go on skiing trips. What I did do with some friends was go camping on the sand dunes, which was a LOT of fun. The block breaks give students leeway to do basically whatever they want for those four days, which is pretty great!


There's always something going on at this college but it's hard to go to all of the events, or even a fraction of them, because the block plan definitely keeps you busy!


All in all, I'm greatly enjoying the experience, but the academic work can be very stressful. With the block plan, you either need to be a very quick learner/worker, or have a great work ethic. Science on the block plan does not work well (for me anyway), because there is just too much information in too short a time.


CC is fabulous.


Oh, CC. It'll grow on you.


dont play for the softball coach. Tina Johnson


Not everyone is fit out for the block plan. You can't afford to skip class, take a day or two "off." It's non-stop for 3 weeks but block breaks are fantastic!


CC has its perks and its downfalls. If you are a intelligent, passionate person with a great sense of style, this is where you want to be.


I'd say the worst thing about the school is the students, many of which seem to want to drink and party more than actually learn anything. It's hard for those of us who actually want to take advantage of the marvelous academics CC has to offer.