Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine Top Questions

What should every freshman at Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine know before they start?


As a high school senior, I would definitely advise myself to go to school early in life - not late. It's difficult to go back as an adult, not only because I had to study much harder in order to memorize Chinese terms, but just the amount of energy it takes to get through 4 years of grad school. Besides, the younger you go, the harder you can work, the less it requires you to live on (loans) and the long you have to pay back those loans. As a mother of 3, a wife, a retired project management professional in the technical world, I have managed to finally earn my masters degree in Chinese medicine and be a financial disaster, stressed out, drowning in student loans and hoping that at 43 years old I have time to recover. I once had an enormous income (without my degree) and now I have a itty bitty income and a degree. I think if I would have started out at 22 years old on this path - my life would be much different - and by that I mean much better.