Colorado State University-Fort Collins Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Colorado State University-Fort Collins?


Unless you find a job from the start, it's hard to apply for positions to get work-study.


The most frustrating thing about CSU is the tuition and the amount it increases with each passing year. As a state school, it is not as affordable as one would wish, even for a Colorado resident such as myself. Furthermore, scholarships are more commonly handed out to those who are in minority groups rather than students who work hard and earn the best grades.


The number of peers that still take college for granted and refuse to see alternative perspectives.


It's hard to get good one on one counsuling for students because I am a Human Development and Family Studies manjor. Administration send people in my major to random teacher assistants to get help with registering for classes.


I'm so far away from home and I came out here to Colorado because of the skiing appeal. And I can't afford to go skiing because we're too busy paying the outrageous tuition and paying my rent.


Sometimes there are students that slip through the cracks and can't seem to find any accomodation there. I don't know how they would fix that, they do a great job on the majority.


One thing I find frustrating is how many students drive cars to and from classes. The Colorado State University campus is very accessible for bikes, walkers, etc... Not only is the campus accessible but many people live in walking or biking distance of the school. I find it unnecessary for cars to be on campus. I understand that when the weather interfers it can be miserable to walk or bike to class, but I think people could make more of an effort walk or bike to class.


The most frustrating thing about my school is all of the classes I am required to take outside of my major. For instance, I am required to take a history course, and while I love most history, some sections simply do not appeal to me, yet I am required to take it in order to graduate. I know it is important in order to be a well rounded student but it is frustrating to wake up in the morning and go to a class you do not enjoy.


Sometimes the classes can be crowded and the teacher can be hard to hear. Not that big of a deal though. And the cold weather


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