If I could go back and tell myself what I know now, I would recomend starting your college search early, find money, and get into the work part of college right at the start. If you find a college early the more likely you are to find scholarships and get better deals on school resources. Also, try to find scholarships on your own through companies and clubs. The more free money you have, the less you have to pay back. Finally, start off getting your work done when it is assigned, you have a better chance of remembering it and getting a better grade. Waiting.wont get it done and when you do go to do it, the work may not be as good.
I would probably tell myself to start and find different scholarships and grants so I wouldn't have to pay after I would get out of school. Also figure out what I would want to do for the rest of my life and what kind of job I would want to have.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to be more outgoing so that I could have more friends at the University. This would have benefited me a lot by being able to call my classmates if I had any questions on the homework given in class. Also, I would say to be prepared for every class by getting enough sleep, study when I have the chance, and just to have fun in every class I take because it will only benefit me in the future.
?Hello,? I stared at my former self. The young boy was listening to music so he didn?t realize that I was their or that I acknowledged, well, myself. ?I said hello, and how are you?? The younger vibrant but still confused past form of my self stood up without a comment. ?Come with me. You look like your not doing well and I know exactly why.? A flood of new memories flew into my mind as I was consumed with mixing with the balance of time. I sat down and began to speak, not letting my past whisper one fragment of a word. All Cam needed to do was listen. ?I am here to tell you that the girl that you are currently dating will dramatically change your life. As she corrupts your mind try to stay cognitive and continue to do well in school you much not let her take hold of all the emotional content she is obviously after. High school is just a small pebble in a world of knowledge that will come afterward. Don?t let all the negative energy devoid of self knowledge.? I stood up and looked began to dissimilate. ?See you soon.?
I would tell myself not to listen to dad, don't go to techinal college go to a four year college you know what you want, just go for it and don't let anybody get in your way.
Let's see. Hm. I think I would tell myself to PLAN AHEAD! True that plans don't always work out, that's fine, make them flexible. Just plan ahead. A lot of unecessary things have happened because I haven't planed ahead. Writing weekley - or even daily - schedules will save you time, expense and stress. Including homework into this schedule would be wise, you may even end up with extra time!
Another thing I would tell myself would be to apply for as many scholarships as possible. You never know when tuition, fees, and other expenses will go up. Better to be safe and taken care of than to go into impossible dept with student loans. Thankfully I haven't had to do this yet, but I know plenty of people who have.
Making a lot of friends is also a good idea, you never know who might be able to help you with something.
I feel that I have made the right decision for my first year of college. to attend a small university in my home yown. Looking back now, I wish I would of studied in High School like I do now. I am more focused and I really enjoy my classes. If I could, I would of applied for scholarships when I was a Junior, I waited until my senior year.
MAke the most of your time and hard work will bring the most gratification
College is totally different. Have money saved, do your work and don't procrastonate, make sure you exercise instead of drinking and get plenty of sleep. Eat well and don't starve yourself. Stick with it through the tough times, I swear it will get better. These are the best years of your life, cherish them.
To learn better studying techniques and remember a lot of the stuff learned in High school because it comes in handy later on. I never thought that I would take chemistry, so I wish I would have remembered a lot more of it.