Columbia College Chicago Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


There are a wide range of student organizations on campus. It is very likely that there will be one that will catch your fancy (and if not, it is fairly easy to start your own group). Some of the most popular clubs are Common Ground (LGBT-group), Black Student Union, and Public Relations Student Society of America. Other organizations include Columbia Crusade for Christ, Words 'N Stuff (Zine-making club), Art History Council, Asian Student Organization, the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS), and many others. One organization that I'm involved with is NSCS. The organization has just recently became more active and provides awesome networking opportunities. I wasn't too involved my freshman year, but once I joined NSCS, my entire college experience enhanced. I met a bunch of new people, was offered leadership opportunities, and was even awarded scholarships through the organization (everyone likes money!). If you're ever on campus, or just browsing the Columbia website, check out the Office of Student Engagement. You'll find a complete list of all extracurricular activities and some great ways to get involved.


If you want to be involved seek it out, if you don't want to...then you don't have to. There are many diverse groups on campus & if you don't see one you like then create your own. Some major ones are the LGBTQ, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inter Varsity... It's easy not to be involved & it's easy to seclude yourself...but don't. Find a good community to surround yourself with. One who you can collaborate with & one who lifts you up & challenges you to Create Change!


Everything about this is fine. You'll ALWAYS have something to do. If not, you're not trying. I am lucky to have close friends in nearby schools, and at Columbia so I always have someone to hang with. There are always places to go, and adventures to be had.


There's lots to do here since it's Chicago. Like I said, lots of people party/drink and get high, but not like a crazy amount, most students still put class ahead of fun. There are a ton of clubs and organizations, you'll definitely find one you'll fit into. I'm part of a group called Inquire where we discuss lots of deep, intellectual, controversial, mysteries and truths and theories, it's pretty cool. If you go out at night, you'll want to bring a friend, just to be safe. Like I said before, no sports or frats. I met most of my friend through the film program/they were on my floor. Also, really nice dorms here, very fine.