Columbia College-Columbia, SC Top Questions

What should every freshman at Columbia College-Columbia, SC know before they start?


I have gotten friendship that will last a life time.


I have not had a good college experience thus far... I attend community college as a full time student and also work full time. My experience could be compared to taking high school level classes that I have to pay for. I endeavor to maintain a high GPA and my commitment to my job. I suppose you could say that the value I've learned from these experiences would be balance. I have had to prioritize things and carefully manage not only my time but also a budget. There are college students who haven't learned the personal responsibility I've learned from attending community college. I hope to gain more opportunities out of college once I transfer to a four year university.


I've gotten a sense of independence and leadership, confidence and self-esteem that allows me to do anything I put my mind to without thinking I should stand back and let others lead me. I can do anything and I will make all my dreams come true and I don't need anyone holding my hand on the way to the top because I've learned how to make my own path. These lessons have been and still are very valuable to me, I love being so strong-minded and independent, it makes more confident in my abilities.


Well, first of all, while you are in high school, take as many courses as you can before you graduate. It might be tough, but the best thing about it is when you are in college and you get all of your requrired courses out of the way, you have way more time for fun than trying to get all of your classes that you need at the last second. Also, get into what you really want to do when you get out of high school. Changing your major in college is not a good idea since it could make you stay in school longer and spend even more money for school and no one wants that. Also, be sure to ask as many questions as you can think of when you are in college. It is a possiblity that you may get assigned to a person who does not know their jobs and this may cause you to fall behind in college because that person gave you the wrong information. Last thing that I am going to say is to have lots of fun in school, and skip any years in school to take a break off.


Hey Brittany it's you Brittany, enjoy this year but most of all focus on your dreams and career. The hard part of high school is pretty much done and come next year it will be freshman year. Focus on what you love to do not what you thinks gonna make you a lot of loot. When you get to college thats pretty much it from now on if you work hard you will be on the road to sucess. College is pretty much like high school just bigger classes and more freedom. Your on your own in the bigg world you have to deppend on your self and pretty much nobody else. Your a grown up now doin grown up things you will meet lots of peolpe also doing interesting things. Other than that dont stress it to much school is pretty much what you make it. Just study hard and buckel down and always do your best. And every thing else will follow dont you stress. Stay focused and motivated and i know when you go to college you will make it.


I would tell myself to calm down and stop stressing out. Just remember to study, eat right, and that sleep is a lot more important than you think it is. Get lots of it, you're going to need it. Above all else remember that, everyhting is going to turn out fine. There is nothing here that you cannot handle. Also get to the cafeteria before nine in the morings or all the good food is gone and you're going to be left with nothing.


I would tell myself not to worry so much about making friends, having a roommate, or having hard classes. I realized that I worried a little bit too much before I started school. Although there are some impolite, mean people in the world, most people are respectful and kind if you show them respect and kindness. As for having hard classes, just do your best and definitely stay organized. Keep a notebook or agenda with your classes, homework, meetings, etc. listed. Sticky notes also help to remind you of important dates. Instructors and professors are pleased with students who turn their work in on time and neatly. Also, do not be afraid to ask questions if you do not understand the assignment or a concept.


I would tell myself to go to bed early so that I get enough rest to stay awake during my morning classes. Also I would advise myself to eat three meals a day. Along with that I would make sure I tell myself to keep in touch with family and close friends. But I will also do more to make friends and get involved in school avtivites. And I would tell myself never give up no matter how hard it gets or how much I feel like I will not succeed.


If I was to go back in time, I would tell myself to stay focus in my study. I would also tell myself to not put off school and that I could do anything I set my mind to. Another thing is to always give 110 percent.


Start a savings acoount with interest and work harder for scholarships. You do not want this 10,000 student loan. Also, your SC tution grant will get cut. Just work on scholarships everyday; never stop filling out forms. Doing laundry at college is going to be very expensive, but you will find a way to earn enough money to survivie . One more thing, never give up on your ablity to make friends. This will be your best school-year ever!