Columbia State Community College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Columbia State Community College?


I brag most about the different types of classes available. There are traditional course taught on site in the classroom, there are hybrid courses which are 5 week course that offers a unique blend of traditional and online classes, and online courses that are strictly online with to classroom time. These options allow me the freedom to choose what works best for my schedule.


Columbia State is a warm and inviting college. There is a wonderful mix of age groups, ethnicities, religious backgrounds, and economical status. The professors strive to help each and every student to achieve his or her goals; while allowing freedom of opinion and open discussion. I was nervous returning to school so late in life, but Columbia State students and faculty members have welcomed me with open arms! The variety of classes and "happenings" on campus make this college appealing to all types of people. I would recommend anyone to attend.


I brag about how small the classes are and if you need help how the teachers always have time to help you.


When my friends, who are going to differant schools, tell me about their professors, they say that the are mean and do not care if the students learn the material or not. At my school, this is not the case. The teachers are kind and caring. They want all of the students to suceed. My school is also close to home, so there isn't a long commute.