The student body here is vicious. As seen from a recent website our student body can be seen as incredibly hateful. Of all the ivy league schools Columbia names the most full names and says the nastiest things. While the student body is obviously driven, as a whole they are very out for themselves and pretty unwilling to help. While there are some great kids, they get bad reputations because they know how to balance school and enjoying themselves. The school as a whole is incredibly judgemental and for being so diverse it is incredibly racist as well. Overall I would say the majority of people here are mean spirited, jealous, and malicious, while thinking way too highly of themselves.
"Diverse" but segregated a bit - the LGBT community throws a dance the first Friday of every month - that's neat.
You can be as involved as you want, in what you want. There are hundreds of organizations at COlumbia as well as the opportunity to create your own group of you cannot find one to suit your needs. People tend to do as they like, and wear what they like - from sweatpants to designer clothes. It is the most diverse campus I have been too, with students from all over the world.
Different groups on campus can be oppressive in their views. Thats the only real negative I see to this school. Sometimes people should learn when to keep an opinion to themselves, or at least when to not cross the line. It turns people off when you push your viewpoint on them.
Diverse and overall accepting.
Be aware that all the professors on this campus are extremely left-leaning. No one is kidding about that. The administration also has a lot of left-leaning policies. Conservatives (like me) will not be stifled if they want to give their opinions, but the question is whether you will even want to give them in the first place once you realize that you are risking judgments of professors and fellow students alike. I have never felt personally-attacked, and there are conservative columnists for the Spectator, for instance, but at the same time there is definitely a huge "us and them" mentality that pervades the campus. Then again, you should expect as much from a school that pretty much stands as a bastion of liberal thinking. As long as you avoid the political science department, you should avoid the feeling that you're being completely stifled.
Some students dress nicely for class while others wear sweats--there's a whole range.
There's a lot of diversity at Columbia so it is inevitable that didfferent types of students interact. A lot of students are from NY or the area surrounding NY, though.
Columbia has a diverse student mix. Most are very involved on campus or around NYC; it's great to see so many people with so many varied passions. People are generally conscious about their future, but it's a nice feeling to know that everyone is ambitious .
There are lots of groups on campus. I think anyone could get involved with pretty much anything they wanted to.
Hillel is geared mostly toward orthodox students, with a HUGE orthodox population. Nice sized Hillel though; lots of kosher food options!
Greek life is growing rapidly and provides an amazing social outlet for many people. Most of the fun people on campus are either in Greek life or are athletes.
Lots of great political groups on campus too. So many options for student groups!