Columbia University in the City of New York Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


The three bars around campus are always packed on the weekends, but so is the library. A lot of kids go downtown for clubs, restaurants, (other) bars, concerts, theatre, movies, shows. A lot of kids stay in their rooms and rarely leave. I am in a sorority, and while Greek life isn't HUGE on campus, it's presence is felt, and is a great way for new students at Columbia to make an immediate group of friends, to feel like they're part of something larger, part of a community at a school, in a city, that can often feel daunting and unwelcoming.


I am in a sorority. It is awesome and I can count on the girls no matter what.


every group is valued at columbia, im part of teh greek community which is awesome and perfect for me but most groups over lap so you can get the president of young democrats be you big sister in the sorority.


It depends on what dorm room you live in. The LLC is much more quiet in comparison to others. I met my closest friends through my sorority and also, my floormates from freshman year. People party fairly frequently by going to local bars, etc. Fraternities and sororities aren't all that important, mostly because many greek organizations do not have housing that can accommodate more than 6 people. Last weekend I went to a bar in the '80s, did some leisurely studying, laundry, and biked down to the Chelsea Piers.


No matter what you are looking for, no matter what your interests, you will find an outlet on campus. Not only that, but often the campus group will provide opportunities for exploration outside of campus. For example, the Greek Life on campus is a great opportunity to find a home away from home, a family away from family. As part of a sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, I've been able to experience life at Columbia in a way that I never would have without being a member of the Greek community. We have done all the things in the city that I always wanted to do; going to Amateur night at the Apollo, or a Broadway show, or a Knicks game. We've been out dancing to clubs, as well as spending Sunday afternoons at the Guggenheim, or ice skating in Central Park in the winter. Greek life is a great way to get involved or continue involvement in community service. Alpha Chi Omega sisters have raised the most money as a group for Pediatric AIDS at many CU Dance Marathons and when we are not fundraising we volunteer at battered women's shelters in the city. I've loved being part of Greek Life at Columbia.


Being in NYC offers you so many options on any given day of the week, many which do not involve alcohol. Besides going to parties and just choosing not to drink, trust me it is not like the movies where people will force you to binge drink or something similar. Most people are respectful of your choice not to drink. Regardless, there are many other options. You can easily get tickets to see a Broadway show, there are great and affordable tickets available for students at most shows if you go at the right time. You can go ice skating during the winter for a very reasonable price. You can go see a concert. Trust me, there is always a concert. Museums are a blast to go to, especially when they have events for students and during their first Friday parties. It is easy to go to a comedy show, out to dinner, the ballet, the opera, movies, and the list could go on and on. If you do not want to go off campus, there are at least 3 events for every weekend that you could attend. Ranging from theatre to sports events to cultural festivities, Columbia students are very involved and hold plenty of events, including parties.


There isn't much of an on campus social life. The occasional frat party, maybe some parties in lerner, but nothing all too exciting. But what is more exciting than New York city? That's why Columbia doesn't have raging parties every weekend, because there are so many more interesting things to do than drink beer out of a keg in a sweaty basement and most students realize that. If you are looking for the beer keg thing you can find it. Don't expect social life to be delivered on a silver platter to you. You have to look for things, but you will find them.


See "The Big Picture"


I'm in a sorority and it's great because we can both study together and have fun together (fun ranges from cultural events to philanthropy events to exploring NYC to hanging around at the Tasti-D ice-cream shop on campus). There's also a lot of programs and entertaining/educational events sponsored by the residence halls, especially in the Living Learning Center.


greek life isn't big, but it's life for some people. everyone has his or her own niche, but the cliques aren't exclusive--it's pretty easy to move fluidly from one group to another. the city really facilitates a social life different from a college town with just a few bars that everyone goes to (though columbia has those too--westend, 1020, heights, cannons)