Columbia has the best of both worlds. Morningside Heights is like a small college town but if you ever get bored exploring things in the immediate vicinity of the campus you have ALL of New York city at your fingertips. A lot of people don't realize how important it is to be in an urban environment and have options open to you. With all the museums, concerts and restaurants- you'll never get bored in the city.
One of the best things about Columbia is its location. Being in New York City, especially coming from Arkansas, has opened up so many new doors. Being a student here has allowed me to have so many more experiences than I would have in Arkansas. In addition, the multi-cultural aspect of Columbia's campus. Everyone has a different life story and come from all around the world. Only at Columbia, I believe that all four of my suite mates were born in different countries.
The people here are awesome. Because you have such intelligent people living around you, conversations are always interesting! I spend my time with friends in the freshman dorms, I spend my time in Butler library, which is gorgeous. There are many options for places to eat and the foods way better than at any other college I have eaten at. Obviously NYC isn't a college town. The neighborhood is really safe. I walk home by myself from a bar at 3 a.m from 104 to 116th and have no problem.
If I could I would eliminate the ideology of race on our campus.
Columbia is amazing - it is small enough to feel like a home and a familiar campus, but large enough so that it doesn't get boring. Also, the fact that we are located in a quieter part of the city is amazing; it is so easy to get downtown to experience the exciting clubs and restaurants, but equally fun to stay uptown and enjoy campus life and our own bars filled with Columbia students.
You'll get sucked into the competitive, I need to study all night in Butler on a FRIDAY mode because everyone around you is a neurotic freak. You think there is something wrong with you if you don't feel like doing your reading and going to the Heights instead...on a Wednesday. I wish the bar/party scene was better, because going to the same 3 places every night of the weekend can get really old, really fast. Columbia seems to have some sort of "war on fun" going on, if you will. The nice thing is that we are in the city, so you can go downtown and to other areas to party, but that can get expensive. Also, unless you make a VERY conscious effort, it is really easy to get stuck in the "Columbia bubble" and never go below 110th, even on the weekends...it's that whole "I need to study constantly and make myself crazy to get an A" mentality.
There is very little school pride, and it is depressing when it is hard to convince people to go to a football or basketball game with you. Yes, I agree that our teams aren't the best, but the games can still be fun, especially if you bring your own flask :). But also, because people are so anti-establishment here or hate athletes for some reason (probably because they were that loser in high school who secretly wished he/she was an athlete or at least good at something that didn't involve a book), they don't want to have anything to do with the sports teams, let alone go to their games. It's usually other athletes or ex-athletes that go to the sporting events.
Joining a sorority was the best thing I ever did, because the only normal people are in them, or on a sports team.
Its a very small school, people for the most part know of each other or can recognize most of their class. Its a unique experience because of its location as a real campus but in the middle of NYC. There is alot of school pride, but not so much school spirit. Sports are almost non existent unless you are on a team.
The best thing about Columbia is population that hangs out, outside, specifically on the lawns and the Low steps when it's warm out. You can find people playing frisbee, football, smoking hookah, tanning, reading a book, enjoying a meal, or just simply hanging out and it's simply a fabulous environment to surround yourself in.
While there is a lot of controversy about Columbia in the media, you don't feel it as much on campus. Most of my time is spent around Columbia's campus on the Upper West Side.
there is no campus life. no social scene. there are no parties. people do not talk to each other in class. people do not make friends in classes. people are unfriendly.