Columbia University in the City of New York Top Questions

What should every freshman at Columbia University in the City of New York know before they start?


When considering what college is best


Be open to trying new things and meeting new people. Try to surround yourself with people who are idealogically, culturally, ethnically different than you are.


Remember to make a good choice base on tuition fees, location and what you major in. Also if you as a parent look at what's your child want to do in life, that should be the determined factor. As a student, make sure you will be confortable and there is opportunity after graduation.


I think prospective students should approach the college admissions process with the idea that they can pursue absolutely whatever they want in college, and not be limited by ideas of what they should be doing. I also think it's crucial to keep a little distance from the college rankings bit, and instead focus on your own needs in a school. On a related note, I think all college applicants should keep their guard up against making one college into the "dream" school, but should be able to picture themselves having a positive experience at a number of different places. I know that for me, doing several overnight stays with then-current college students added perspective and reassurance that students were happy at a broad spectrum of colleges and universities.


Make sure you examine a wide range of parameters. Finding the right school is not just a question of academic prestige, but also of diversity, size, location, administration, support networks, social life, etc. I strongly recommend talking to current students, and not just the ones leading the tour groups. Strike up a converstaion with someone at the student center when you visit. You'll be surprised how willing most students are to share their experiences.


The most important factor in choosing a college and making the most of your experience there is finding a school where you can develop an interest in a wide variety of fields. I came to college with hopes of becoming an invtesment banker. Now I'm applying to graduate programs so that I can be Art History professor. Without my school's well-known economics program, I wouldn't have come here in the first place; but if they didn't have an incredible art history department, too, I might not have found the academic field that I'm truly passionate about. Everyone says college is about exploration, but it's important to realize that not every college offers the resources or possibilities necessary for exploring. When you find a school that does, then you're set.


Choose a college that has interesting classes that you would enjoy taking. When you visit a college look at the course listings so you know exactly what you're getting into. A lot of my friends went to colleges because they 'heard they had a great history department' but once they go there and saw the actual classes and requirements they weren't all that excited. Also, make sure the people who go to the college are the kind of people you woudl like to spend 4 years around.


Start early. Do your research. If you know your top choice, research whether it is benefical to apply early. In high school, do not focus only on grades -- it's the complete package: coursework, extracurriculars, part-time job, etc. College admissions wants to see passion in the being of a successful applicant.


You pay for your surroundings and the quality of your peers as much as you pay for your academic education.


Think about the factors that will make a successful and satisfying college experience: are you more comfortable with slow or fast-paced life? A town or a big city? A close-knit college feel or perhaps less school spirit in exchange for a greater availability of culture and diverse experiences? These factors help identify the type of school and location that would be beneficial. Academically, it is important to determine how much value a 'big name' will have for you and your future, as well as the academic quality of the school you're looking for. Larger colleges tend to have more big lectures and less individual attention, so if you're independent and able to handle less attention, a larger college may be good for you. The best professors often teach the largest lectures. Finally, join extracurricular activites and try jobs that may be relevant to a field of interest. It's a good way to learn more about what you want to do, and to meet more people who will be a staple in your life.