Listen Amber, I know that high school seems hard and nothing is turning out right but that will all change when you go to college. College is so much more than high school, with high school you're treated like a kid but with college you're treated like an adult. College is a stepping stone to the next level of life that is when you get to plan out your future, learning how to balance out finaces. Applying for finacial aid getting tips from adivors on what's the best plan for you. Amber you will be doing a lot on your own because college is giving you the chance to grow and letting go of your hand. I know now that you have to take your time when it comes to college because college is a big responisblilty, knowing what major you want, knowing how long your going to stay in school. Always keep those grades up if not then your going to have to pay for that class. This transition has not been smooth but when the roads bumps start to striaghten out things will go good and the blocks will fall into its proper place.
Dear Jonathan,
I know it doesn't seem real now, but soon, and much sooner than you think, your actions today will determine where you will be next year. Your daily grind focuses on preparing your body for the future but you will not be able to use these skills if you loose focus on what counts most. Please give your grades the same intensity you give your opponents on the court. Defend your arguments on your papers, like you defend your home court. Work on Goverment, like you work on your outside shot. Work harder, do more and give it your all both on and off the court. No one will know the great player you are and can be if you don't ever have the opportunity to fulfil your dream. And remember, the game isn't over until the buzzer, so don't quit, give it your all and leave it all on the court.
Good luck,
I would tell my younger self in high-school to "DO YOUR WORK!!" Don't let the fact that you are being bullied and osctricized by your peers influence your future(family move).I know the lonliness is tough, but instead of leaving school and talking that easy 10 minute walk home, stay and learn because in 3 years you will be acing Calculus; even if now, you are getting a D in geometry. You have the potential to do math in your sleep. All you have to do is apply yourself. I will be your father figure. Public high-school is free! In 3 years, if you stay on this path, you will have to withdraw loans and be in thousands of dollars in debt simply because you were forced to start out in remedial courses resulting from not having the knowledge to place into anything higher. Get it? You have to take about 7 unnecessary, very low-level math courses before calclus in order to " build up your math skills"(even if you could probably do just fine in a calc 1 course at the time of placement).
Stop procrastinating! Deadlines are sooner than you think! Start planning on what you want to do so you are not stuck at home working at some dead end job while your friends are applying themselves at some big name college. Keep working hard becuase it does pay off. It is not as scarey as it seems and you will meet some really intersting people along the way. Life is a journey and going to college right away is just part of your first steps, four years may sound long but in the long run you will find they were not so long after all.
If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self, I would be in a very different place today. First and foremost I would tell myself that no man should ever influence my educational decisions. It is a decision I learned the hard way and this poor decision resulted in me taking two years of school at my local community college. However, I have turned a negative into a positive and made the most out of my community college experience and will be transferring to Missouri University of Science and Technology in the fall. If I could go back I would also tell myself to take an extra math class and not to settle for the required number of math classes. My last piece of advice for myself in high school would be to enjoy the last moments in high school because too soon you will be wishing that you could go back.
One advice I would give myself is to continue college and get a degree to get a good job in the future. It is important for me to have a job which I like, since I will do it my entire life. The medical field has interested me for a long time. That is why I am pursuing my dream and getting my degree.
I love college not only because of the knowledge I gain in class, but because I know that knowledge is a bridge to a better life later on. I think every american wants to provide a better life for the next generation, and now more than ever, a college degree is imperative to achieving that goal. I live in a single parent household, with a mother that works very hard to provide for me. She does not have a degree, and I would be the first in my family to graduate from college. With a degree I want to make sure that my kids have more opportunities than I did, and mabey even get a new set of wheels for my mom, she could really use a new car !
Out of my colllege exxperience, i've learned how to see the good out of bad situations, to take life seriously, learned to become indepent, and also learned things about myself that i hadn't known about myself through a writing class i took at this school. When I first started attending Columbus State, I was very nervous. The first day I had butterflies in my stomach and was excited yet worried at the same time. Once i made it through the first week, those butterflies slowly slipped away and I began to make new friends and ggrew fond of my instructors. I knew if i wanted to succeed, I had to study, study, study. And I did, and I received a GPA of 3.6. I've always told myself I that i was a terrible test-taker, and my principle former principle told me it was in my head. She was right. I've managed to do well on all of my tests. It's been valuable to attend college because I took a course that helped me to become a better test-taker. I found that all things are possible if we try to reach our goals.
College has been the single most valuable experience in my life. Because of college I have a self esteem that is bolstered by proof of my ability to express myself intelligently. I have proven to myself that I am smart, witty and quick to reach the more appropriate answer. I learned and now know that I can learn new concepts and master them in a short time. I have become an adult because of my college experience.
I entered college for the first time 12 years after graduating from high school. I went off to travel the world and learned much about local customs and history. Nothing prepared me for the sense of accomplishment that my first 100 on a math test gave me. The awe and wonder of the sunset in the Sahara was much easier to express and far more realistic after I fine tuned it in my Communications 101 course, also garnering an “A.” Learning at the collegiate level has become a requirement in my life that I cannot neglect. I love College!
My experience at college has not only given me the academic and professional knowledge I need to succeed, but has also helped me develop emotionally and mentally as a person. College has given me time to grow in confidence and become more truly myself than ever before.