Everyone says to make the most of your senior year of high school and live life to the fullest. I don?t disagree with this but I do think there is more to it than that. Having taken a difficult load of classes my senior year, I felt like I was more prepared for the expectations that college held compared to some of my friends that chose to take fewer, easier classes. After finishing three years of college now, I have learned that college is a lot more difficult than high school because no one makes you try; it?s up to you to have the desire to succeed. Maintaining focus and discipline throughout your senior year will help develop good habits that will make it easier to achieve your goals in college without worrying about having to relearn things you would have learned by putting more into your last year of high school. My advice is to take advantage of high school, not just because it?s easier, but because it?s your last chance to have someone to help push you through the difficulties of learning that will make you a better student and person in the end.
If I could go back in time and talk to my self in my senior year of college I would tell myself "you made the right choice." I am an early graduate from high school. I never truly had a senior year of high school. One of my biggest worries after graduating was that I made the wrong choice and should have stayed for that final year. I would have also said that " In order to succeed you need to just simply believe in the facts and knowledge that you have." I have a huge problem with low confidence issues. This fact leads me to face a lot of hardships and failures in school. If I could go back and talk to my senior self this is exactly what I would have said to help me succeed in my first semester in college.
Walking into that classroom of twenty-five plus students is overwhelming. But, as long as your head is held high and you keep telling yourself? How will what I do in 10 minutes, 10 months, or even 10 years? affect my life, you will be fine. I believe what I know now would have helped a little. If I could go back in time, I would have changed just a little bit; like setting short and long term goals in advance. You need to set these goals so you can watch your progress and keep yourself on track. College is an expense that needs to be planned out. I would tell myself to use any extra money I have toward the goals. I would suggest opening a saving account just for college; having this account started before I felt home will benefit me in the long run. I would inform myself the process in which I should take to mentally prepare myself for this exciting journey. But, changing too much would have changed how I have turned out, and who I am now. The creative, upbeat, loving, smart person I am only comes from the mistakes I have learned from.
Don't give up or in to, the negative entities in your life. You can achieve all things through Christ that strengthens you. When challenge as to why you are doing something don't take it as negative feedback, look at it as a challenge to succeed. Don't let life happenings steer you away from achieving your goal of a higher education but it is never too late to learn.
Dear James,
College life will embrace and validate you in every way you can imagine. College is the place where you will establish a solid foundation in music and understand and answer all the questions that music has to offer.
However, the relationship you have with drugs and alcohol will not support a successful academic career. You will waste more time and money if you do not embrace a course of life that will support great achievement in college and in life. Therefore, I am strongly suggesting that you begin to develop a relationships with the people in Alcoholics Anonymous. They are people just like you in the way they feel and think. You will be able to relate to the people in AA in an intimate way.
Trust me in this advice. You will excel in the academic environment, that will actually be the easy part for you. You need the people that I have suggested to you because your brain is fine. It is the emotional and spiritual support that you will find in AA that will make your higher education experience a real success.
I would tell my self to not to make any mistakes. I would tell myself that I should wait to have kids till after college. I would not change my life but I would change having my son to a later time.
"You can be anything you want to be, as long as you set your MIND to it.? College is the transition, the assist, to making what you want as a career become a reality. It is your time to develop your skills and evolve into the person you want to become.
Considerations when pursuing a career through college include, how long will it take me to finish? Will it be worth the money? Is there a future in my chosen career? All of these questions are important, but I think the best piece of advice I could have given my high school self would have been, ?Be passionate about your career choice!?
The last piece of advice I could offer my former self refers to the same quote as above. Putting your MIND to something means giving one hundred and ten percent of your effort, even when it means cutting into your free time, changing habits, honing in on study skills, and managing your time wisely. If you want to be that man you envision, put in more than you could ever get out, then you will have truly set your MIND to it.
Vanessa, I know High school can be tough at times, and there are times when you just feel like giving up, but look, you are in your senior year, you are almost done with high school and you shoud be proud of yourself and what you have accomplished . Life can be hard but if you just manage to get through it, anything is possible. College life is another challenge for you just like high school was before you started, upset it will be harder, and in college no one will tell you that you have to go to class, that you have to be on time, that you have to do your homework, college is about you, you have to be your own teacher, you have to learn how to learn. College will also be a great experience in your life, it will help you become a succsefull person later on in life, and if you accomplish your goal of finishing college, you will become one of the first in you geneartion to ever finish high school and finish college! The best feeling in the world.