Community College of Rhode Island Top Questions

What should every freshman at Community College of Rhode Island know before they start?


If I would have the chance to go back, i would attend college much earlier. I pursued a different degree initially, in another country, my home country. Then i moved to the US. I took a break and then i decided i would like to go back to college. CCRI is a great school to attend, flexible schedules, where i could work and study.


Don't be afraid to do methods of getting an education different from the norm. Try to save money.


Looking back now from all of the experiences i've had in life, the ups and downs, i would have to tell myself to never give up. College is an amazing learning experience and there are many students just like you who will be feeling nervous as well. I would tell myself not to worry about all of the social situations i think may arise and focus on your studys. As to what you want to pursue as a major, well it's okay not to know right away. Sometimes one needs to go through life a bit more in order to realize what they want to do, however, fulfilling general prerequisits is important and will save you time. Be prompt with your paper work so that if there is a problem you have more than enough time to fix whatever has gone wrong. You will have a lot of fun, make friends, and learn all at the same time! Always work hard and never give up on your goals. There will be plenty of people who will tell you to give up, you'll never make it. Thoes people are wrong! Never give up on your goals, never!


If i would go back in time in tell myself about college is that you need to stay focus and just because your senior don't get distracted. Also i would told myself that college is nothing like high school they don't wait on you to turn your work in and i would have told myself about the note card system and how it helps you study. I would also encourage myself to never give up and to keep pushing yourself to the end. Last but not least i would have told myself to get a job now and start to save your money now so when you need money for college you will have some save so you won't have to go get loans to help pay for college.


If I could go back in time to talk to my high school self, knowing what I know now about college life I would have a few major pointers about making the transition. First of all, I would tell myself to keep working hard towards all my goals and not to give up because it is going to pay off in the future. That a little stress and missing out going to the movies or the mall every once in a while will be worth it because there are bigger better things in the future. I would also tell myself to get a job as soon as possible because waiting until after high school is over is a big mistake because if you want to go to the school of your dreams you need to save every penny. The last major pointer that I would tell myself is that you can achieve anything you set your mind to; you can and will lose weight, get through high school, get a job, and enjoy life. I would leave my high school self with the last thought that everything is probable and nothing is impossible as long as you just try.


When I was a high school senior venturing to college it was both an exciting and frightening adventure. The anxiety completely overtook me during my stint in college after high school. I was constantly worried about my GPA, meeting new people, and paying for school. So much so that I would get sick in the parking lot before class, not eat due to nerves, shake, and cry. If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to relax. Yes, my GPA is important however don't over think or cram study and relax during exam time. Also just relax, be yourself, and talk to people when meeting new classmates. Don't let my anxiety of meeting new people overcome me. And as for paying for schooling, well, thats what student loans and financial aid was made for. I would tell myself to enjoy it.


If I could go back and give myself advice I would tell myself to prepare for college right now. At this point in my life I had no idea what I wanted to be, and what I wanted to achieve. However, I would explain to my younger self that just going to college and learning new things is an icredible experience. I would then encourage myself to talk to councelors and other students with aspirations of an higher education. In doing so I believe my life would have turned out dramatically different.


Think more carefully and explore career options more instead of picking the first career that pops into mind, all to change it the following year when already starting classes. Chose a college more suitable for my needs and desires.


Hey Elizabeth, Congrats on being a senior and making it through high school! I just want to tell you to wait. Take some time off before you begin college. It is OK if you aren't ready. I don't want you to make the mistake of taking classes and being so overwhelmed with the transition to college that you blow it. You need time to mature. Study abroad and take advantage of your professor's brains. Ask questions! Don't sit in the back corner of the classroom with your coffee. Sit in the front and be brilliant!


As an older student returning to school after many years, I would definetely tell myself to take some time off from school and really decided what it is I want to do with my life and what I want my future to be. I attended 1 year of college right out of high school and I really wish I would have taken a breather. The idea of college is very exciting, but I think if I would have taken some time off I would have been able to go into college with a fresh prespective and a better vision of what I want to do/be. I don't think I was ready for the independence that comes with college life. It's too easy to get drawn into slacking off and hanging out with friends when you should be studying. High school can be a rough time for many students. I think taking a little time away for yourself can give students more of an idea of who they want to in life and where they want to go.