For parents and students, I would highly recommend before settling down on one college, to visit all of the ones you are interested in, and ask many questions. Do not merely choose a college based off of a brochure or where your friends or parents want you to go. This is the time to pick what is going to be right for YOU as a student. Your parents may have loved their alma mater, but that doesn't mean that that particular college or university is going to have what you want and need to succeed. So talk to faculty and staff, meet current students and ask all of the questions you can think of, to get a good understanding of what each school is like. Consider the surrounding city and area, the climate, and types of extra curricular activities you want to participate in. Remember, this is YOUR future, the next 2-4 years (or more) of your life. Pick what fits best with you. Take advice from ones close to you, but let the decision of where you are going to college be your own. Don't forget that you are picking your your future experiences as well.
I would suggest researching a variety of colleges that offer a well rounded program for whichever area of interest you are going to pursue. When your choice is made, get involved on campus. There are many people who are in the same "boat" as you are whether it be a first year college student or a transfer from another college. Most people are very friendly and as anxious as you may be to make friends. Enjoy .
Definitely pray about it! God already has the college picked out for you! In order to make the most of your college experience, make as many friends as you can during your first year and get involved!
When looking for a college to go to, don't choose one just because your best friend is going there or because the weather is nice, try to pick a school that you feel you will be the most successful at. Visit as many schools as you can before or while your applying to them. Look for schools that have a lot of variety just in case your major changes. Small schools are really not that bad, they give students a more personal experience with their teachers and more one on one time. Remember Financial aid is your friend, take advantage of it!
To make the most of your college experience, try to get involved in a sport or club. If your school is in a warm climate or its just a nice day outside try to bring your studies outside, its a good way to meet new people.
In order to find the right college, take a broad look at all types of colleges: Public/Private, Big/Small, Urban/Rural, Close/Far from hom. This will give you a good idea of what you like so you make the right choice the first time. Visit days are a great time to visit a college, but they are also one sided as the college has planned for guests. Therefore, try to go on a random day, and spend some time looking at the campus without a guide. To make the best out of your college experience, make sure you pick a school you'll feel comfortable with. It is also best to be at a school where your major will fit in with others, so you can expect like-minded people among the diversity.
I think that in order to find the right college, you need to do a lot of research and have a clear plan of what exactly you want to do with your life once you graduate. You should have in mind the type of atmosphere that fits your personality best, and remember how each visit made you feel. Sitting in on classes and talking to current students at the school is also key to finding a good fit. Taking all these components into consideration will help you make the right choice for your college education.
College is what you make it to be. If you have a bad attitude, you won't have fun. You need to be constantly open to new opportunities while still making time for homework. Fun can happen anytime if you are open to it! Just don't slack off and become lazy, or things could go downhill fast.
Selecting a college is fun and exciting! Parents and students need to remember to not rush a decision. They need to take their time and allow for different options. Another suggestion is to make the decision a team effort between parent and student. College is a huge step not only for the student, but also for the parent, and they deserve to help in the decision making process of selecting a school. When narrowing down schools, the best way to make a decision is to visit the campus. Stay the night with a student, and follow them to their classes. This will help you really get the feel for the school itself. When finally deciding, feel confident on the decision.
To make the most of the college experience, the best thing to do is to get involved. Colleges have so many different clubs or groups that you can join. By joining one or more of these groups, you will be introduced to new people. Friends are so important during college. The friends you make now, most likely will be friends for life.
Figure out what you want to do in life, and what interests you. Don't look at what everybody else is doing. Don't go to a party school. Look for scholarships, and grants.
Every college or university is looking for a student that will be an asset inside the institution and out. This is the way that potential students have to present themselves to be taken seriously. The best thing a potential student can do is to figure out their path and then present themselves as determined, driven, passionate, and ready individuals. It is this way that a student will have the ability to choose between several different universities. It is much better for the universities to be after a student that they see good potential in than a student having to fall back on their last choice because of wasted opportunity. Once the student has chosen the university they want to attend, not only will they have a better success rate, but they will more likely be able to take advantage of the opportunities that a college or university offers. One thing I've learned the most about college is that I have to fight to get my tuition's worth and the more ready and willing a person is the more they will get out of their education.