I would tell myself to try and take some AP class or tests in order to skip out of some of the general ed classes. I feel like I ended up wasting some time and money on classes that I could have tested out of.
For generations, morality has been molded primarily by parents, religion, and schools. In the past few decades, education has become a higher demand. Indeed, education offers people a better lifestyle. If I could go back in time and give myself an advice regarding college, I would talk about maturity, focuses, and economical issues. Maturity is a characteristic that grows each day we go through. A student that attends college needs to be mature. If not, then the student could be led to doing wrong decisions due to peer pressure. If one is able to keep maturity in mind then one could just reject bad offers by others. Another issue is being able to focus. Focusing and maturity go hand by hand. If one is not able to focus no matter if one is mature, then it will lead through the wrong path and vice versa. The final issue would be economic. At college one has to pay for one?s classes. Therefore, one needs to find a way to get money to be able to secure one?s classes. I recommend that one research and apply for as many scholarships as one is able to.
It is a lot harder than I thought it would be, so to work harder and never give up. You'll make it through as long as you try your best.
Work hard and do not procrastinate.
To remember to stay on track and focused. Don't put too much on your plate and prioritize.
My biggest advice for parents or students about finding the right college is to look around. Don't ever choose a school that you haven't first visited. Just because the brochures look nice, doesn't mean that they are letting you on to what the campus is really like. Also, when you visit the school be thinking about whether or not you could imagine yourself walking through these halls. If your answer is no, then it probably isn't the right choice for you. Another important thing to remember is to be open to possibilities. Don't close yourself to one school because that is the only school you have ever wanted to go to. Look at several schools and compare and contrast each and every option. The biggest advice I can give is to pray about your decisions. God will guide in the right direction, just let Him know that you could use his help.
Finding the right college to suite the students needs is incredibly crucial. First of all, I would make sure the student knows a general acedemic area of focus. Then check out school websites for more information. Narrow your choices down to a few colleges and go visit each school; looking at advantages and disadvantages of each one. Try to speak to professors and some students before making a decision because sometimes looks can be decieving. Make sure you sit down with financial advisors at each school, if that is an issue for you. Try to meet with the head of the department you want to get into so you can ask questions and be clear on each schools different programs. Then make sure you compare all your information and make the choice that best fits the student.
Do not forget that as a student making the most of college is what it is all about. Try to meet new people, join different clubs and organizations; remember that nothing is set in stone. If you join something and do not know if it is really your thing then find something else. Academics and building relationships is what college is all about.
The best advice I could give a student would be to apply to every college they are interested in, even if they dont think they will be accepted, it doesnt hurt to try! Once you have been accepted to all the colleges you and make sure the colleges have everything that interests the students, even ask if the student can sit in on a class for a perspective major, or spend the night in the dorms! Check out every school on the list, even if the student believes they have found "THE" school, and try out everything they have to offer. Dont forget to ask questions! (ie: offered majors, dorming, social opportunites/athletics/clubs, etc.)
The best advice i could give the parent of this student would be to help them by being understanding and supportive to all the students hopes, concerns, and wishes regqurding thier school of choice. Never be negative and discouraging towards a school, its the worst thing a parent could do, even if the parent doesnt believe its the best school choice for thier son or daughter. Dont forget to ask many questions! (ie: financial aid funding, campus safety, etc.)
Advice I will give parents and students about finding the rihgt school is 1. find a school that has your major/interest. You want to make sure the school that you are planning on going to has what you want to do because if they dont and you end up staying there, if you want to transfer there is a chance that your credits will not transfer over and you want to make sure you are taking classes that is transferable. 2. Mkae sure you can afford to pay for that school. Everyone doesn't win scholarships as well as they think they should and you want to be careful when it come to loans. If you find yourself having bills to pay at the school every semestrer and it's over $1,000 and you have to keep taking out loans over and over the school should be reconsidered. 3. Finding a school that has alot of extracurricular activities. Getting involved in activities at school is important and it is good to get involved with something especially if it is something that you love doing.
Students and Parents alike need to truly look at what motivates them and excites them, not just what is practical or realistic. When there is a will, there truly is a way, and its usually the best way. That way may take hard work, research, discomfort, confuion, but the results are far more gratifiing than any other "practical" pursuit. The rewards will be sucess, contentment, excitment, motivation, and impact!