Concordia University-Wisconsin Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


The variety of majors offered on campus


That you can take CLEP tests to offset taking general education classes: cheaper, easier, and faster to CLEP. Look into getting as many scholarships as possible.


I took a lot of tours and met with a lot of people I was told everything pretty much up front and knew what I was getting into, they will answer your questions honestly and set you up with advisors in the major you are considering as well as group leaders and coaches for extra-curriculars you may be interested in. Concordia is very accomodating and up front.


I wish that I had better understood how prevalent alcohol is in the social scene, and how students' morals really do not differ from those of students at state schools, even though this private college is quite a bit more expensive. I also wish I had known that the teaching program is an extremely strenuous program to complete in four years, requiring students to take the maximum full time schedule and extra summer/winter classes if they wish to complete in four years.