Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art?


The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art's most noticeable blemish is the administrations foggy communication. Cooper being such a small school has a very small community. Procedures, like how to get a school I.D. or how to check your grades, are over looked by administration and seem to be expected to be communicated through the student body. These familiar courses of action that take place in colleges and universities could use more attention and consideration. Students come to Cooper feeling lost and find themselves stumbling through their first semester.


There are too many required classes. In addition to the number of required classes, many do not show benefit to engineering.


The financial aid office can at times be incredibly unresponsive to the needs of students. The staff can be unfriendly and uncaring, and un many cases rude. Students are not given comprehensive understanding of the steps that need to be taken to intiate loans and grants and are therefore forced to have further interaction with the financial aid staff. Overall the quality of the service in the financial aid offices is abysmal .


Obviously bad teachers and out of touch officers


It is very difficult to do well sometimes, no matter how well you may think you're doing. Somehow, your GPA always comes out at least .2 below what you estimate it to be.


The administration has been annoying, the school closes..., there are not enough hours in the day, and sleep is necessary.


The workload