The worst thing about Corban University would have to be the campus. I love the campus lay out and the styles of the buildings, the campus itself when you are walking around is beautiful. The one let down to this quaint little campus built in the hill is that it overlooks a valley and some would think that to be a pretty back drop, however down there in that valley is a prison. Corban sits up on the hill and has total over view of the prison and their work yard, this is the only let down at Corban.
The price of the school is the worst thing. Corban University is 36k for room, board and tuition. This is extremely expensive and they offer a limited amount of scholarships. As a transfer student I can only receive 7k for my academics and with my family's estimated annual contribution I do not qualify for any other aid. This is frustrating because my mom and dad are not making an annual contribution to my education and the leaves me with somehow provding for the remaing amount of money.
Honestly, it is hard to name one "bad" thing about Corban. If I had to choose something, I would say I wish it was more in the city of Salem. Although, we are very close to town (5 min) we are still in the countryside. I think it would be fun to have a campus that is near downtown where we can walk/ride bikes to local coffee shops to do homework. Driving is not a huge inconvience, but having city life near by would add some interest.
It's hard to think of anything negative to say about Corban, but I would say the thing I like least about the school is the fact that most, if not all of the professors there are men. Not only do I think that it's important to create an atmosphere of equality, but I also think that it is important to have variety as well. Because men and women tend to view the world differently I think that it is healthy to get the prospectives of both genders throughout all of life's experiences, including in the classroom.
The worst thing about my school is the lack of racial/cultural diversity, although this is mostly due to the lack of this diversity overall in the Northwest. I would like to get more exposure to other cultures, although I get a little bit of that at Corban.
the food, cafeteria food is never as good as home cooked food
The only part of Corban that I could consider worse than other colleges is that, as a private school, you can develop a security that is based on being around other Christians on a day to day basis. If you go to school here, you need to be active outside of school such as volunteering in the community, having a part time job, etc.
Its on a hill, and there is a lot of walking, and the food isn't that great. Other than Its amazing!
The worst thing about my school is that there is not a lot of weekend activities. Also their is not a lot of options when it comes to food on campus.
That we will be sometimes secluded in the city because of the fact that we are on the outskirts of the community of Salem. Willamette University sits right in the middle, and we are in the middle of corn fields and prisons.
I wish we had a more ethnically diverse student population. We have little diversity in ethnicites.
Our school is pretty small, and can't offer some things that kids may be looking for in a career. They are pretty well-known for certain areas, so those areas stick out more than others. I just wish some of the other fields could offer more.